It all started about a month ago, was prescribed antibiotics that caused diarrhea which irritated my bum, then when the BMs became normal, caused a tear.
Saw a doctor a week and a half ago, she said she could see a small tear and to take stool softeners and use an ointment like a&d. This seemed to help and I was pain and blood free for a few days.
Last Saturday I was in a wedding and drank quite a bit, and the next morning I had a very painful BM with quite a bit of blood - more than the streak on toilet paper I had before. Resumed the stool softeners and a&d, seemed to get better day by day.
Then yesterday I had a BM, not unusually painful, but the blood was back. About the same amount as before, some on the stool and quite a bit on toilet paper. Same thing this morning after a slightly painful BM.
I have not been great about my diet, I have been trying to drink more water but I'm definitely not eating very healthy or fibrous foods.
I made an appt with doctor for Tuesday (it's Saturday now), I'm just wondering should I wait or go to ER or urgent care? I only bleed during a BM and there's usually no blood when I wipe a second time but I'm scared I'm going to bleed to death or something. My mom keeps telling me it always looks like it's more than it really is.
Also, if I retore it after it was beginning to heal could that account for there being more blood?