Am I dying


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Am I dying

Postby Tryingtofindabalance » 30 Sep 2017, 09:38

It all started about a month ago, was prescribed antibiotics that caused diarrhea which irritated my bum, then when the BMs became normal, caused a tear.
Saw a doctor a week and a half ago, she said she could see a small tear and to take stool softeners and use an ointment like a&d. This seemed to help and I was pain and blood free for a few days.
Last Saturday I was in a wedding and drank quite a bit, and the next morning I had a very painful BM with quite a bit of blood - more than the streak on toilet paper I had before. Resumed the stool softeners and a&d, seemed to get better day by day.
Then yesterday I had a BM, not unusually painful, but the blood was back. About the same amount as before, some on the stool and quite a bit on toilet paper. Same thing this morning after a slightly painful BM.
I have not been great about my diet, I have been trying to drink more water but I'm definitely not eating very healthy or fibrous foods.
I made an appt with doctor for Tuesday (it's Saturday now), I'm just wondering should I wait or go to ER or urgent care? I only bleed during a BM and there's usually no blood when I wipe a second time but I'm scared I'm going to bleed to death or something. My mom keeps telling me it always looks like it's more than it really is.
Also, if I retore it after it was beginning to heal could that account for there being more blood?
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Re: Am I dying

Postby patience_and_healing » 30 Sep 2017, 17:27

The amount of blood you're describing definitely does not mean you'll bleed out. Try to not jump to extreme possibilities. There are many people on here who have experienced bleeding with a fissure. The area is rich with capillaries. Continue the stool softeners and water, and seek out a colorectal specialist who can guide you in the right direction.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
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Re: Am I dying

Postby Tryingtofindabalance » 30 Sep 2017, 18:57

Thanks for replying. I'm a bit dramatic I know, I have OCD and pretty bad health anxiety so seeing more blood sent me into a panic. I will mention a specialist when I see my GP. Thanks again
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