Suffering once again with both problems this time. A few years back was here just with an anal fissure which I 'beat on my own'. High Fibre Diet.Sitz Baths or Epsom Salt Baths and Nifedipine Cream.
Developed 3 anal warts over the summer...two small dangly ones and one Giant Flat Mushroom (the worst) and the damn Anal Fissure has returned after its 2 year Vacation!
Scheduled for my first Biopsy of the Big Wart on Monday next week. MRI on the 30th of January and Colonscopy on February the 27th 2018.
In the meantime...daily suffering...the burning the worst. Cant sleep at night despite Nefidipine Cream baths or even painkillers. Cannot take Ibrophine...too damn hard on my stomach even with food!!!
Discovered too much fibre...too many bowel movements...cant seem to get all the poo out just once a day! Today for instance went 7 times...the burning. Little poos are the worst!
Then the urge too poo....nothing there....madness!!
Think about my bum problems 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. Madness!!