Anal fissure and fistula surgery yesterday. OUch

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Anal fissure and fistula surgery yesterday. OUch

Postby thefer74 » 20 Dec 2012, 09:19

I just had surgery yesterday. They drained the abscess, use lazer for the hemorrhoids, fixed the fissure, and found the fistula and layed it open. It was a more involved surgery to say the least. My bum hurts. I was given pain meds and taking those every 3-4 hours, but I am struggling with urinating.
What can I expect from this recovery? When does the pain settle down? I still haven't had a BM but alot of gas. I am taking peri-colace, drinking alot of fluids, and even eating a bowel of oatmeal as well as apple juice. Still nothing. I am so regular that I go every morning.
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Re: Anal fissure and fistula surgery yesterday. OUch

Postby richibeno » 20 Dec 2012, 09:57

Hey thefer
I had a fistulotomy 8 days ago first. 5 days were great no pain bms good ect now I'm getting some achy feelings some throbbing some pains but no to bad mainly feel a bit sore still 'i can still feel the grove he cut out the fistula ,no smelly discharge '
May be its a bit worse at the mo IV started to drive again so doing some sitting right on the wound
I get some stinging now and then If I gas in a certain position (weid)
I could no do a bm for 2 days after my op take some stool softners and loads of water
Take pain meds when you need 'dont over take them '
Good luck
Last edited by richibeno on 20 Dec 2012, 14:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Anal fissure and fistula surgery yesterday. OUch

Postby thefer74 » 20 Dec 2012, 10:51

I had my first bm an hour ago which was very loose. Immediately afterward, severe burning followed and more pain. Started sweating and almost felt like I was going to pass out, went to bed and used a frozen bag of peas and took pain meds. Now it is settling down.
I called the dr's office and they said that the first week or so is painful, then it backs off. She said that I should see a reduction in pain by Monday.
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Re: Anal fissure and fistula surgery yesterday. OUch

Postby richibeno » 20 Dec 2012, 14:33

hey thefer
are you allowed to bathe.
use the shower ,shower head on the area
also sit in the bath
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Re: Anal fissure and fistula surgery yesterday. OUch

Postby thefer74 » 20 Dec 2012, 20:03

I am allowed to sit in the bath. I am more afraid of not being able to get out of it. I have a hand held shower head. Maintance is coming in tomorrrow to fix it so it doesn't leak. Once that is done, I will be in there.
The pain is intense. I can make it about 5 hrs between pain meds. They have me on diludid (hydromorphone) 2 mg. It is very strong stuff that kicks in fast, but it leaves me useless. I am usually asleep within 30 minutes from taking it.
I can't tell where all of the pain is coming from. It feels so swollen and painful.
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Re: Anal fissure and fistula surgery yesterday. OUch

Postby jr2 » 20 Dec 2012, 22:05

I just wanted to jump in and say that I have been keeping you close in my thoughts and I hope that your recovery starts to get a lot better really quickly for you. It's such a difficult area to have to have surgery on for so many reasons, and you've had so much done at once. I know you're also having to recover on your own, so I hope you feel some comfort in the company you have here. I also hope you can call on your neighbors.
Feel free to vent here, or even private message me if you feel like you need some company, albeit from far away.
We're all pulling for you and wishing you the best!
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Re: Anal fissure and fistula surgery yesterday. OUch

Postby Ever the Optimist » 21 Dec 2012, 12:33

I also wanted to add that most of us sufferers just go in and perhaps have a fistula treated or the fissure fixed or a pile or two lazered but very rarely do you see someone being fixed for multiple issues all at the same time, such as in your case. No wonder you are in such pain and can't even begin to determine where the pain is coming from!......
Just keep doing what you are doing, keep taking the pain killers as much as you need them right now, sleep through as much as you can and rest.....Day by day, things will start to heal and the pain will ease...Keep up the fluids and soft soft eating to make the motions more bearable. Be gentle to yourself and just let time take it's course.
You really are in my thoughts too having to deal with all of this at once. All the very best in your recovery and I really hope you start to feel some relief soon.
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: Anal fissure and fistula surgery yesterday. OUch

Postby owmybum » 21 Dec 2012, 16:09

Just want to second what the others have said and sending you a huge hug
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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Re: Anal fissure and fistula surgery yesterday. OUch

Postby thefer74 » 22 Dec 2012, 08:38

Thanks everyone. Every day is getting better. I am sleeping alot and laying on my side. I checked with the dr yesterday and he said that I should be taking pain meds around the clock for the first 3-4 days. Not sure why I was trying to skip out on the last 2 days. I have been more consistent with taking pain meds before it gets too painful and right before a BM. That seems to help.
My appetite has gone downhill. I am eating but not much. I have no interest in food. I do seem to get a bowl of oatmeal down every morning, then after that it is soup, crackers, pudding. I did manage to eat a 1/2 turkey sandwich yesterday.
My dr made very good use of the time when he had me under. He couldn't even exam me well in the clinic because of the pain and abscess. First, I had a chronic fissure, which developed an abscess. I ignored that until I was running a fever and a high white count. That waiting caused a fistula to develop. The hemorrhoids were nearby so they got zapped as well.
I am hoping another one didn't develop. Last night, when I was sitting in the tub, I noticed alot of swelling between the vagina and anus on the left side and felt a small bump. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a white pimple between the opening to the vagina and the anus. I am going to give it a couple days and if it is still there or gets better, I will call the surgeon. I am hoping the track didn't find another way to get through.
How long does it take for a fistula that is layed open to close. The cut goes from the anus to about an inch towards the back.
thanks again for everyone support and warm wishes. I wish I had family around for this surgery but it was so last minute and urgent, I barely had time to process it. It sounds like it was good that he did surgery because the damage could be alot worse. Thank god the worst is behind me and I can start healing.
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