Anal fissure blood without bowel

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Anal fissure blood without bowel

Postby Ukessex08 » 10 Jul 2017, 13:19


I have been suffering anal fissures since 3 years and had Botox done at nhs 1 year back

But that didnt help much

I have applying the nitro gyllericm cream and taking laxido

Now on sinday when I fart I saw blood

Later after couple of hours I had bowel movement with blood

Since then I had 3-4 episodes of blood without stools and heavy contraction in my anus in 2 days

I have taken the Gp apt now in uk tomm morning as urgent

I feel pain and spasm all day

Please could you advise if this anything serious to have blood without bowel movements

I can see a cut near my sentile pile too
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Re: Anal fissure blood without bowel

Postby Mypoorbutt » 10 Jul 2017, 14:44

Hi I have had blood without a BM in the past it can be because a fissure or hem bleeds after a BM and then when you pass wind or you relax while sitting it comes out.
You are doing the right thing by seeing a dr asap as it's best to get it checked but it is more than likely from your fissure or pile
Good luck
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