Anal Fissures and pregnancy

Anal fissures and pregnancy

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Anal Fissures and pregnancy

Postby cjoy22 » 28 Apr 2017, 10:30

i have suffered from anal fissures for years. It has recently gotten to be worse w a skin tag on my anus that flares up sometimes like a grape. Last year I had one so bad I almost passed out from the pain. I'm currently seeing a colorectal surgeon and we are trying creams and fiber. But every now and then if I have more than 2-3 bms a day or diarrhea I will rip again. Starting all over.

I'm terrified to start trying for a baby because all I ever hear is that you get constipated when you are pregnant and you can also tear during delivery. I do not want to go through the agonizing pain. Has anyone here suffered from Anal fissures and went through w having a baby?
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Re: Anal Fissures and pregnancy

Postby sandrasmiles7 » 07 May 2017, 00:14

I got mine after the baby because I was taking pain medication from my c section this caused so much constipation. I ended up having LIS and do want another one. I will be taking miralax throughout the pregnancy and after as long as they say it won't hurt the baby
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