Anal Pain

Scar tissue

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Anal Pain

Postby Pokey » 17 Jan 2017, 22:47

I had surgery for a fissure in 2004 and did well until about 9 months ago. I got another small fissure. Got that healed but continue to have pain and burning with BM. I have to take Miralax daily to keep things soft. Went to see my CRS yesterday. He said I may have to have another but more minor surgery where he cuts the anal skin to allow the anal area dialate some. Has anyone heard of this or had experience with the same thing.
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Scar tissue

Postby Pokey » 17 Jan 2017, 22:51

What I failed to say in my post is my CRS says I have a fair amount of scar tissue which is causing my pain and not allowing the anal canal to stretch with BMs. This what I wanted to know if anyone has had experince with.
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Re: Anal Pain

Postby suzyljank » 18 Jan 2017, 19:43

You probably need an advancement flap. I had severe stenosis after all my surgeries and needed 2 flaps. The area wouldn't stretch at all. Your doctor is right scar tissue doesn't stretch and when it tries it can cause a tear.
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Re: Anal Pain

Postby Pokey » 18 Jan 2017, 20:16

What's an advancement flap? Doesn't sound like something one would eagerly wish for in that area of the anatomy. But griting my teeth every time I have BM is no fun either as you know. Did this procedure solve your problem?
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Re: Anal Pain

Postby suzyljank » 19 Jan 2017, 09:10

An advancement flap is like a skin graft. The surgeon removes the scar tissue and advance the new piece of skin into it's place. I had 2 done at the same time. It's uncomfortable and for me it was a long recovery but it did help me. Once you get anal stenosis you always have it but it can be functional. Mine was severe but is now functional. I take a dose of miralax at bedtime and am not on any special diet. I also have IBS so there are some foods I can't eat but I couldn't eat them before surgery. If you need to have this done make sure you have a good CRS. If you have any question just ask. I also posted my surgery from start to finish just look it up. Good luck Suzy
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Re: Anal Pain

Postby Pokey » 19 Jan 2017, 12:07

Thanks for the explanation. I don't if we are there yet. I have awful pruitis (burning, itching and light bleeding) with this which causes considerable discomfort. My CRS said something about cutting the anal skin if it comes to that but did not say anything about a graft. Maybe he's sparing me the angst until it gets to that point.

Has your discomfort abated now? I have been taking miralax nightly. My doc it was ok to take it every day. Is that your understanding as well. Doing so makes the BMs tolerable, not totally comfy, but tolerable. I'm going to try and avoid more surgery if I can. I was wondering if some folks ever get so bad or tired of the pain they go to a colostomy? That would be a last resort.
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Re: Anal Pain

Postby suzyljank » 19 Jan 2017, 12:36

I do take miralax once a day, my CRS also said it's very safe to take daily and you can adjust it up or down as you need. I do pretty well now. Sometimes the area where the flaps were taken ache, I'm in a much better place now than I was before. As far as a colostomy I had a friend who did that temporarily to try and heal but it didn't help her much. As far as surgery goes don't think that way. I did that and waited 5 long years after LIS to get things fixed and that's why I wound up with 2 flaps. If I would have know what I know now I would have done this sooner.
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Re: Anal Pain

Postby Pokey » 19 Jan 2017, 12:45

I see my CRS again in 5 weeks. He's got me trying to calm things down in the interim. I'm using pranicure ointment to try and calm down the bad pruitis which is contributing a lot to the discomfort. If I'm unsuccessful we will discuss options in 5 weeks. I won't wait forever to fish or cut bait.
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Re: Anal Pain

Postby suzyljank » 19 Jan 2017, 20:28

If you have pruitis stop using toilet paper and rinse your bottom after you have a bm. I have a faucet bidet on both my bathroom sinks. Toilet paper just rubs the waste into your already sensitive skin, rinsing gets it completely off.
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Re: Anal Pain

Postby Pokey » 19 Jan 2017, 21:05

I've been using a travel bidet for some time. The irritation is up higher than any TP can reach anyway.
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