i had this chronic fissure for past few years. i would just increase fiber intake and it would go away after few days.. would see a tiny drop of blood or streak on stool .this would happen 3-4 times a year.
this year it happened but the blood drop was slightly bigger.
so i went to doc. he gave duphalac and gtn.
i used gtn for few days and when stool was soft i there was no blood in it. i startted gtn after few days, after 2-3 days i felt my inside anus and outside sphinister went tight.
i am still using this gtn .. i was suspecting this time blood was a bit more it could have gone tight due to that .but i am suspecting gtn might be the culprit.
i am 100 % sure that gtn could be the cause ..what you say ?
should i stop it and is there any other thing which i can apply on inner lining of anus to help move the stool easily ?
any concotion ?