Any mums get lis after vaginal birth?

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Any mums get lis after vaginal birth?

Postby missy moo » 14 Mar 2021, 02:16

Ive heard a few people say they were advised against lis after giving birth. Ive given birth 3 times and have had a fissure for 7.5 years which started 2wks after i had my first. Has any mums in my situation had lis?
missy moo
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Re: Any mums get lis after vaginal birth?

Postby countrygirl49 » 17 Mar 2021, 01:22

I did! But, I only have my one kiddo. My CRS didn't even bat an eye that I had delivered my son vaginally (sunny-side-up at that). She said that if I were going to have MORE kids (like several more), that she would be a little hesitant to do the LIS. So, of course having had three kids could be a different story. Do you have a reputable CRS? What was his/her opinion on that?
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Re: Any mums get lis after vaginal birth?

Postby missy moo » 17 Mar 2021, 16:55

Its been along time since i saw a crs i don't have a certain 1 i just get referred to a crs list from my gp and i go one a waiting lost then see who ever is available on that day. The last crs i saw said its better to get lis after you've finished having kids so i guess i need to be sure im done before i more forward but he didn't say he recommend against it. Ive seen a few crs 1 scared me an said after having kids then getting lis your at high risk of incontinence so you could poop your pants!!! What the hell who says that it really freaked me out. Most seem a little hesitant but bot against as such. I've heard people on here say that their crs advised against lis after vaginal birth. Its annoying that all the crs in the world aren't reading from the same book each one had different recommendations for the same situation :roll:
missy moo
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