any stats on incontinence and LIS?

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any stats on incontinence and LIS?

Postby sweetpea » 16 Jun 2014, 17:44

wondering: are certain populations of patients more likely than others to become incontinent (or more likely to do well with surgery)?

and what are the odds of successful outcome?

many thanks
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Re: any stats on incontinence and LIS?

Postby Jbl22424 » 16 Jun 2014, 18:30

Surgery has a 98% success rate from what I've read and what docs told me. I read that women who have or will had (not sure) 2 ore more children are more likely to experience incontinence issues. I'm sure you could find the study by googling, that was how I found it. I believe incontinence issues includes gas or mucus incontinence. I have not read anything about any risk of stool incontinence, one doctor told me that's because the external sphincter muscle holds in stool and they don't touch that. So... I am in the high risk category but had LIS and do not regret it one bit! A few people have posted on here who have what they call leakage after a BM - half hour later they have to go back and clean up again. It seems worrisome for some but others would gladly trade that for fissure pain.
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
Miralax - godsend
Nitro - some improvement
LIS (May 2014) - cured for 3 months then setback
Feeling better for now
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Re: any stats on incontinence and LIS?

Postby sweetpea » 21 Jul 2014, 21:47

Thank you, very helpful! i always wondered why gas might happen but not the stool part. they are two different functions, apparently, from two different areas.
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Re: any stats on incontinence and LIS?

Postby Fellk » 22 Jul 2014, 13:45

My doc said that he's never made anyone incontinent. He mentioned he had to tell me of the risk but the super low percentage includes people who find they don't have great control passing gas
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