Botox: full or local anaesthesia?

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Botox: full or local anaesthesia?

Postby waves » 28 Sep 2017, 11:28

I went to two different doctors today to get an appointment for a botox injection next week.

Doctor 1 told me I will get full anaesthesia and I need to stay one night in the hospital.
Doctor 2 told me I will get local anaesthesia and I can go home right afterwards. However, she told me in a sort of dramatic tone that that surgery will not be pleasant. At least until the anaesthesia is in effect. I'm absolutely freaking out now about that procedure. But on the other hand I don't want to stay overnight in the hospital (too expensive, not necessary in my opinion).

What is the better way to go? Has anyone had any experiences yet with local anaesthesia with a botox injection?

Please help!
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Re: Botox: full or local anaesthesia?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 28 Sep 2017, 16:24

I had full anaesthetic but got to go home 4 hours after the op. I had a fissurectomy too so I had no choice.
I guess it depends on what bothers you more a night in hospital or ten mins of goodness knows what....I tense like mad when docs look there now it's just an instinctive reaction to all the pain
My Botox gave me months without pain so whatever you decide will be worth it
Good luck
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Re: Botox: full or local anaesthesia?

Postby Bum_UK » 29 Sep 2017, 03:34

I had a full anaesthetic too. I had a fissurectomy and skin tag removal as well. I went home four hours of the surgery. I was cleared to go home three hours after the surgery but it took another hour for the nurse to turn up to discharge me.

I think Patienceandhealing (if she sees this) had Botox without any anaesthesia at all. Which suggests that local a anaesthesia should be perfectly fine.
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Re: Botox: full or local anaesthesia?

Postby waves » 29 Sep 2017, 04:24

I cancelled the full anaesthesia appoinment and will go with the local anaesthesia one.
I'm still totally terrified, just the thought of laying there naked and a group of doctors mechanially open my butt hole and inject needles in there freaks me out.
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Re: Botox: full or local anaesthesia?

Postby Bum_UK » 29 Sep 2017, 04:33

I would not worry about it being a group of doctors. It should only be one and possibly a nurse. Unless things are run drastically different where you are from the UK and US.

Good luck! Remember to be patient after the Botox injection as it takes at least a few weeks for you to really notice a difference.
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Re: Botox: full or local anaesthesia?

Postby patience_and_healing » 29 Sep 2017, 08:10

As Bum_UK said, I didn't have any anesthesia for Botox. It was just two quick shots in the anus and that was it. I'm not sure what's the "surgery" that the second doc is referring to. Is there something else planned along with Botox? They don't need to open your butt up for it because it's given just inside the opening. And any anesthetic injection will cause pain too so they skipped it.
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Re: Botox: full or local anaesthesia?

Postby waves » 29 Sep 2017, 09:24

@patience_and_healing omg wasn't that extremely painful without any anaesthesia? And how come they don't need to open the anus first? How do they locale the fissure if they can't see anything? The doc checked with the finger yesterday and she had a hard time to find it. She said she can't feel much of a fissure. (my fissure isn't extremely painful as it's probably already healed partially)
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Re: Botox: full or local anaesthesia?

Postby patience_and_healing » 29 Sep 2017, 10:14

She didn't need to see the fissure because she always injects 25 units on both sides of the anterior midline. And it wasn't very painful at all. Not pleasant but not too bad. I had my husband with me for support which helped a lot.
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Re: Botox: full or local anaesthesia?

Postby waves » 29 Sep 2017, 12:37

ah okay, I didn't know that. I thought they need to know exactly where the fissure is so they can inject the botox right in that spot. ok one worry less :-)
still nervous like crazy...
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Re: Botox: full or local anaesthesia?

Postby patience_and_healing » 29 Sep 2017, 16:22

It's possible that your doctor does inject botox into the fissure. There's no fixed protocol for how it's done, each doctor has their own method with which they've found the most success. Try to relax though, and get more details from your doctor about what exactly she's going to do.
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