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Re: bottox

Postby Myitzu » 05 Jun 2016, 18:31

My specialist told me for botox in last Thursday and it will cost AU$1800 in Sydney, Australia. I can afford for budget but I am not sure that will heal for my fissure or not, I am thinking to get second opinion from another CRS, that some are success with botox and some were not, confusing :-(
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Re: bottox

Postby Katie » 06 Jun 2016, 11:43

Thankyou xx
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Re: bottox

Postby sore » 06 Jun 2016, 23:34

Myitzu, are you not covered by medicare? I just had botox done last week and it was covered. Maybe it is worth getting a second opinion.
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Re: bottox

Postby Myitzu » 07 Jun 2016, 00:54

Hi Sore, my CRS told me that only his fees will only cover by Medicare rebate & I don't have private insurance. If you don't mind may you please let me know your specialist namename, many thanks,
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Re: bottox

Postby Katie » 11 Jul 2016, 00:19

Hello I have my date for botox can I ask are you in pain after you have it done?
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Re: bottox

Postby Mypoorbutt » 11 Jul 2016, 01:00

I was in a little pain but I also had a fissurectomy done so maybe that was why. The first 2 weeks were sore and uncomfortable and walking hurt, but there was no spasms and by the third week I started to see good improvements. I'm glad I had the Botox done, even though I know I will need LIS later
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Re: bottox

Postby Katie » 17 Sep 2016, 14:07

Hi I had my bottox done 11 days ago and I don't feel any different should it have kicked in by now???? Any info would be lovely thankyou X
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Re: bottox

Postby Mypoorbutt » 17 Sep 2016, 15:22

Hi Katie,
My spasms stopped straight away, but the stinging and burning did continue for about 2weeks gradually decreasing after each BM to the point where I was only experiencing slight discomfort for 20 mins after a friendly BM. The Botox has now worn off unfortunately and the pain has started to return.
Some people say it can take between 2 and 4 weeks for the Botox to properly kick in so give it a bit longer x
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Re: bottox

Postby Katie » 17 Sep 2016, 15:37

OK thankyou very much for your message :) x
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Re: bottox

Postby Katie » 24 Sep 2016, 06:14

Had the bottox done 17 days ago and my muscle still goes tight! So I guess it's not working for me :( I have left a message with the doctor at the hospital but they not got back to me :( to busy i guess!!! so I'm going to get my GP to fax over at letter to them and to let them know what's going on with me my next appointment with the hospital is 9th Dec not sure if I have to have the bottox done again or if they will give me the full op!!! I'm just feeling low and feel like there is no were to turn having this on and off for 11 years is a nightmare x
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