Anti fungal cream.

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Postby Valiant62 » 03 Dec 2017, 19:06

I would very much like to hear from members on the subject of anti fungal cream.
I have read on another forum of a woman who had suffered with a CAF for a year. She had read postive comments of people who had used anti fungal cream to cure their fissures. She felt she had nothing to lose and used the cream internally and on the anus, she felt an improvement witnin days and was overjoyed to write that she felt the cream had healed her fissure.
I am worried about using the cream internally and i would very much appreciate the views of people who may have used the anti fungal cream themselves.
Thank you for reading my post.
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Postby missy moo » 04 Dec 2017, 14:24

My doctor said it's fine to put on and around the fissure to prevent thrushhe gave me miconazole I was worried I would get thrush from all the creams I was using now I've given up an will get surgery in the new year.
missy moo
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Postby Valiant62 » 04 Dec 2017, 14:47

Hi missy moo.
Thank you for your reply. It may be a long shot but i will try the anti fungal cream and see what happens!!!.
I have peace of mind now you have mentioned that your Doctor said it is fine to use it internally. Appreciate your help.
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Postby missy moo » 04 Dec 2017, 16:00

That's fine let me know how it goes I mite need to give it a try too good luck.
missy moo
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