Can an anal fissure get worse

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Can an anal fissure get worse

Postby mebum » 30 May 2017, 18:54

I am a 19 year old with an anal fissure. I have some general questions that I could not find the answers to within this forum.

1. Can an anal fissure get worse. No visable bleeding . It hurts when directly touched, however nothing else seems to bother it. ( After reading some of the stories i am incredibly lucky)

2. How long will it take for a fissure to heal without home remedies. I lack the time and resources to help the healing process (college student) if there are any quick, free, and convenient remedies please let me know.

3. Can i anally masterbate without casuing any increased damage to the fissure.
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Re: Can an anal fissure get worse

Postby Tbooty » 31 May 2017, 11:56

Fissures can definitely get worse. I put off going to the doc, and when I did I had to have a surgery (LIS) which could have been avoided if I'd begun treatment sooner.

So, if I were you I would see a doc and ask for nifedipine ointment or the like, and heal completely before inserting anything that may cause the compromised tissue to tear more. Believe me, you DO NOT want the agony most fissure sufferers endure.
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Re: Can an anal fissure get worse

Postby mebum » 02 Jun 2017, 21:05

Thank you for the reply. I followed your advice ane i am so grateful. The fissure was small and with the help of zinc oxide cream it has pretty much healed completely. Thank you for warning as the fissure probably would have been ten times worse.
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