Chronic anal fissures. Cancer?!

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Chronic anal fissures. Cancer?!

Postby Jimoffy » 14 Aug 2017, 01:12

Hey guys I've been suffering with fissures for 3 years now. One or two main ones It feels like, so I've been on movicol for 6 months which helps so much, I have no pain until I stop taking it and pass a normal stool, I feel them come back. Anyway I've been using diltiazem for about a week now since I last saw my CS. I saw him again today and he mentioned doing a colonoscopy ? I asked if it was necessary and he said yes , to rule out rectal cancer... which scared me. I don't have any symptoms of rectal cancer, only a fissure or 2, no blood or stomach problems or anything. I'm basically wondering if you think it's necessary I take a colonoscopy ? I really just want the LIS done but he wants to examin it first.... what do you guys think? Find a new doctor?
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Re: Chronic anal fissures. Cancer?!

Postby Mypoorbutt » 15 Aug 2017, 10:04

You should always go with what your doctor recommends but try not to worry too much.
My CRS is amazing and was very honest in the fact that untreated chronic fissure can increase the risk of rectal and anal cancer but only slightly
Doctors like to be on the safe side with rectal cancer as it often has no symptoms until its very advanced
You can of course turn the colonoscopy down but the procedure itself isn't that bad and if you tell them you have a fissure they will use the smaller scope and most hospitals in the UK will offer gas n air to patients with an active fissure
Good luck
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