Hi everyone. Long story short after years of pain I had my LIS surgery done July 19, 2019. It wasn’t a smooth recovery as I had bleeding and pain through the summer and fall, September and October especially. A few weeks post surgery I noticed a weird piece of skin, like a small thin almond shape around the opening on the outside. My surgeon said it was just swelling but a year later this hasn’t gone away and I think it’s a new tag.
I wish I came here with better news but I’m not doing great. My sharp internal pain is back. I’ve been dealing with chronic constipation. I can’t tell if I have small external hemmies, new tags, etc but the area surrounding the opening is super red and inflamed and I have internal itching.
I don’t know if this is a separate problem or related, but I’ve also developed weird pain around the clitoris area that has persisted for several weeks now. My obgyn said I had a yeast infection despite me not having any symptoms of one and my pain feels more nerve like. It hurts to lay down, hurts to walk, pretty much all of that.
I’ve also been dealing with other issues, developed terrible non stop tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Trigeminal neuralgia (nerve pain on my face). Perhaps my sedentary lifestyle during COVID reactivated it all.
Long story short, post LIS and tag removal I did have some good days but definitely never felt fully healed and now I feel like I’m at square one. Due to insurance changes I’m not able to see my old surgeon. Feeling a bit discouraged as a year on out I’m feeling 10x worse. Suspecting pelvic floor dysfunction as I frequently experience constipation despite not having hard stool.
Just wanted to provide an update. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.