Compression Stockings

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Compression Stockings

Postby Bum_UK » 08 Jun 2017, 15:05

How long have you guys kept wearing the compression stockings following surgery? My CRS said I'd ideally wear them 24/7 (except when showering etc of course) for ten days following surgery. I've got a bit of a rash on one of my calves and I think it's a reaction to the compression stockings. I intend to keep them on as much as possible for the ten days unless the rash gets much worse. I'm curious what other people have done.
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Re: Compression Stockings

Postby Lewarctj » 08 Jun 2017, 20:22

No idea. I haven't had to wear anything
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Re: Compression Stockings

Postby chachacha » 08 Jun 2017, 21:08

That's the first time that I've ever heard of that on this board, and I've been here for quite a while. Do you have another medical condition that could necessitate the use of the stockings?
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Re: Compression Stockings

Postby Bum_UK » 09 Jun 2017, 01:59

Nope, no other medical conditions. The information I got from the hospital (private hospital in the U.K.) included information about the risk of DVT after surgery and that you should use them until you're back at your normal activity level. My CRS said to use them for ten days. Well, he said it'd be good if I'm able to wear them for ten days after surgery. He stressed that I MUST wear them when we go on holiday on 25 June as they don't recommend flying within four weeks of surgery unless you wear the compression stockings.

A friend of mine in Sweden who had surgery a few years ago had to take blood thinners for a few weeks after her surgery. Similarly, a friend in the US was surprised that I wasn't put on a course of antibiotics b fore the surgery. I guess it depends on the country and hospital.
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Re: Compression Stockings

Postby Mypoorbutt » 09 Jun 2017, 02:21

I wore mine for about 24 hours, maybe it's because he knows you are flying soon and is being extra cautious
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Re: Compression Stockings

Postby Bum_UK » 09 Jun 2017, 02:56

The rash/itch has gone again. I suspect it may have been caused by a cat hair. I've had to fish a few out... They're not uncomfortable to wear at all and that's a good thing.

MPB didn't your NHS information pack include information about DVT? They seem very concerned about it at Claremont. Yes, it might also be that he's recommending it as I'm off on holiday soon but again it seems to be a big deal at Claremont.
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Re: Compression Stockings

Postby Mr Fissure » 09 Jun 2017, 06:50

Also had my LIS done at Claremont. One nurse told me to keep them on for a week, CRS said a few days would be fine, which is what I opted for. They were agony for me to get on and off for showering due to an adductor injury!

Pretty sure in your case it'll be because you're flying though - enjoy your holiday! :sunny:
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Re: Compression Stockings

Postby chachacha » 09 Jun 2017, 07:03

So interesting. I guess that it's a UK thing then. And just amazing that it hasn't come up on the boards before now. I hope that more people will chime in and say where they're from, if they had to wear them.
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Re: Compression Stockings

Postby Bum_UK » 09 Jun 2017, 07:14

Mr F I suspect we were operated on by the same surgeon. I really like Mr B as he took time to answer all my questions before the surgery whereas the first CRS I saw in Nottingham didn't.

I'm fine getting them on and off but I do t have any other injuries than a sore bum. :) Thank you, I'll certainly enjoy the holiday particularly as Mr B has approved me using swimming pools when away.
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Re: Compression Stockings

Postby Mr Fissure » 09 Jun 2017, 07:59

Hi Bum_UK, yeah, seems we were! ;-) Mr B is very personable for a consultant and is continuing to try and help me with my complications (Pilondial Sinus) post-LIS. Its definitely an important factor I feel, especially when dealing with such a delicate topic, that a CRS is willing to take time and answer your questions - in my case, he must have the patience of a saint! lol!
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