considering self dilation if things don't improve

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considering self dilation if things don't improve

Postby Deleted User 4536 » 29 Jun 2019, 18:49

i had a 2nd LIS almost 3 weeks ago and although the pain has decreased, my sphincter is very very tight. even more so after LIS. if things don't improve (if pain is not completely gone and things are still too tight) by the 6 week mark post op, i think i will try dilation since i've tried almost everything else.

and i have been looking on amazon and the sizes are insane. i'm thinking of buying a vaginal dilator instead, because they are smaller and the same width from start to end. but if anyone has a suggestion of a good dilator, please let me know.
Deleted User 4536

Re: considering self dilation if things don't improve

Postby ap093 » 29 Jun 2019, 19:37

I have tried the dilation therapy for like 2 weeks and it's been a nightmare. I was using the 18mm one and it hurt like hell. In my case it was aggravating the fissure, as I could always spot some blood on tip of the dilator, afterwards (along with the terrible pain).
If your fissure is causing you pain, I would not run the risk of aggravating the wound even more. However, if you don't have any blood and the pain is TOTALLY gone, and you just feel tight down there, then I would consider give dilators a try.
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Re: considering self dilation if things don't improve

Postby Deleted User 4536 » 29 Jun 2019, 20:33

thanks for your reply. i've read on this forum that you should start as small as you are comfortable with, then gradually increase the size.

when i have applied cream, i can fit my finger which is almost 15mm width, without any pain. so i think i would start with a dilator that size.
Deleted User 4536

Re: considering self dilation if things don't improve

Postby patience_and_healing » 29 Jun 2019, 23:07

Dilatan dilators are very good quality and you can step up as you go along. I recommend using them under medical supervision so you don't hurt yourself. You can also try the pediatric dilators which start out really small at 7 mm. Aloe cadabra lube is very helpful for this and spreads better than other water based lubricants.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
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Re: considering self dilation if things don't improve

Postby Ani » 30 Jun 2019, 06:40

whatsherface wrote:thanks for your reply. i've read on this forum that you should start as small as you are comfortable with, then gradually increase the size.

when i have applied cream, i can fit my finger which is almost 15mm width, without any pain. so i think i would start with a dilator that size.

There is a study suggesting that self-massage/dilation with a finger is better than using dilators in reducing anal pain. Note however that this study study was done on people with an acute fissure.

Gaj F, Biviano I, Candeloro L, Andreuccetti J. Anal self-massage in the treatment of acute anal fissure: a randomized prospective study. Ann Gastroenterol. 2017;30(4):438–441. doi:10.20524/aog.2017.0154

I have no idea how you guys do it though. My sphincters contract and refuse to co-operate just by thinking about it.
20/01: Slowly healing fissure-like wound due to surgery
11/03: Started Diltiazem.
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Re: considering self dilation if things don't improve

Postby Deleted User 4536 » 30 Jun 2019, 07:38

i would rather use my finger, but my hand and arm feel very uncomfortable after even 10 seconds when applying cream. i think it's because i've had carpal tunnel syndrome in the past and the position of the hand triggers it.
Deleted User 4536

Re: considering self dilation if things don't improve

Postby TomatoSoup » 12 Jul 2019, 02:56

I bought this model a few months ago and have found it to be good. A vibrator is SOOO much more soothing to the anus than a basic butt plug. I stuck with the smallest size for a few weeks, doing 10-20 minutes or so 3 times a week. For what it's worth, I've enjoyed anal stimulation for the last few years so I like these sessions. Also, I had LIS about a year ago, so I can't comment on using dilation on an active fissure. I also started experimenting with dilation about 8 months post op, so make sure you're healed up enough before stretching down there. ... way&sr=8-2
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