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Postby IronicTwist » 14 Nov 2016, 03:26

Ok. Now that I sign the forms last Thursday to get LIS, my fissure has not acted up since. Chicken.

It seems Im slowly but surely starting to heal again however it is probably too soon to tell but I did let go a little on my diet and still, BM soft and pain at about a 2 or 3 at most. Now I have doubts though.

Considering I had a fissure for 6 months straight which technically makes it chronic and Ive heard that with GTN treatment recurrence is quite common, would it still be at my advantage to go ahead with the LIS anyway to prevent further flare ups?

I dont want to stop GTN just yet as I'm enjoying this pain free phase but I will eventually ween myself of the Dulcosoft then the GTN to see if this fairs well without medical help.

LIS or no LIS if the fissure heals?
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Re: Coward

Postby Mypoorbutt » 14 Nov 2016, 03:52

Hi IT,
You are certainly not being a coward you are being sensible, why put your body through a trauma if you don't need too. My fissure behaved for a week before my surgery but I knew it was still there.
I guess if you feel you are healing you have two options - cancel the surgery and continue with your good diet and GTN and softeners for quite a while, make sure they are happy to reschedule your LIS if you need it later.
Or keep your name down on the list and go in with the full knowledge that no dr will perform any surgery there if they cannot see a fissure if you are healed they will just wake you up...or you could ask to be checked before you go in if you don't want to be put to sleep.
You have to do what feels best for you and so e fissures do heal on their own even after a long time.
I really hope yours is getting better
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Re: Coward

Postby IronicTwist » 14 Nov 2016, 04:14

Im not saying Im the coward... Im saying the fissure is now cowering away because IVE built up the courage to get LIS. LOL. My docs told me that even though Im healing, I might as well get it done to avoid future flare ups like this. Lets see.

How have things been going on your side?
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Re: Coward

Postby Mypoorbutt » 14 Nov 2016, 04:24

Ah yes...these fissures are sneaky little things lol.
They do have a point as it seems like once you have had one fissure your more likely to get another one so may as well do what you can to stop it.
Not too bad thanx pain was up to a 5 and stayed there all day after my first BM. Just been this morning and it wasn't quite as painful as yesterday lol, so I'm off to town to get out of the house and try and take my mind off it...I hate staying in and the dr did say just rest for 7 days and this is day 6 lol
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Re: Coward

Postby IronicTwist » 14 Nov 2016, 04:26

Good to hear. Im sure you'll be tip top within a few more days
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Re: Coward

Postby IronicTwist » 14 Nov 2016, 15:35

Oh well. I guess I spoke too soon. 2 BMs and the second one reminded me exactly why Im waiting for LIS. BM about a 2 on pain. Spasms afterwards shot up to 7 or 8. Still not as bad as the first ones a few months ago cause at least these last only 10 to 15 minutes.

Funny how I get the pain only when my bowel fills up with gas though or if I havent fully defecated. Then the tightness wont let the gas out and thats when the pain comes. GOD forbid I need to have another BM like this. Its enough to scale walls with the pain.

Sphincter is still hard as rock even though I applied GTN but at least the pain subsided to a 4 provided I dont decide to get out of bed now to walk... 5 mins of walking is all it takes to trigger the pain again. So much for healing...

Sly. Very sly.
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Re: Coward

Postby Mypoorbutt » 14 Nov 2016, 17:31

Nasty little things they are...lulling you into a false sense of security.
Glad the spasms only lasted for a short while, I still have nightmares about the days when mine would last for hours and I was literally rolling around on the floor screaming.
Positive more BMs for at least 24 hours, did you eat something out of the ordinary or drink something...I get bad gas if I have fizzy drinks.
Thank goodness for GTN at least it's down to a 4 now...stay in bed do t move unless you really need to and try if you can to get some sleep.
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Re: Coward

Postby IronicTwist » 15 Nov 2016, 07:02

No fizzy drinks, no excess sugar, just a little more meat but Im sure that all came out on Sunday and Monday morning. The BM Monday night was a little harder and I had the feeling not everything came out. Spent the night tossing and turning in pain. Got up at 6am and BAM. Another BM. Also hard. Sitz for 10 mins, GTN right after and rested for 10 mins before getting my son ready for school. Im at work now and it seems that most of the pain has gone but I do feel another one coming up. Had a coffee to see if I can get this movement going faster and get it over with. As I said. The spasm itself is a dull pain, tolerable. Its the spasms combined with gas or feces build up that kills me. Once I pass gas in the intervals between spasms I have some relief for a while. When I apply the GTN I can feel the sphincter lowered to the entrance and hard. A while after applying the GTN it seems to rise into my canal and relax but only temporarily. The moment there is gas build up, no matter how minimal. Pain.
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Re: Coward

Postby IronicTwist » 15 Nov 2016, 07:07

Last night I went through 3 or 4 waves of pain before I finally fell asleep. I was restless throughout because of the lingering "rawness" burn. This morning before I got up I was more or less OK before the BM.
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