Dilation - use of finger cot

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Dilation - use of finger cot

Postby over10yearsnow » 01 May 2018, 21:02

Hi everyone.

I've been thinking about trying self-dilation. During my online search for a set of dilators I found some interesting reading on trials carried out.

It appears that there have been better outcomes by using your finger rather than a dilator.

My question is. If I try this I'm assuming it's ok to use a finger cot?

Most of the ones I see online for sale are latex. I don't have an allergy, so would these be OK to use or should I search (and probably pay more) for latex free ones?

On a side note - anyone tried this? If so did it help at all?

Many thanks!
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Re: Dilation - use of finger cot

Postby simplebutt » 03 May 2018, 03:45

Hi there, I've had lis a year and a half ago. The fissure healed but have had two recurrences since then which healed with conservative treatments in two weeks.
I am also thinking of starting dilation with a finger as I believe it can help loosening things and prevent recurrences.
I've read that inserting index finger with a lubricant and glove and massaging for about 5 minutes once every day is good.
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Re: Dilation - use of finger cot

Postby patience_and_healing » 03 May 2018, 16:32

@overtenyears: You don't need to use finger cots. Buy a box of nitrile gloves, cut off the fingers as needed, and use those.
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Re: Dilation - use of finger cot

Postby William2 » 09 May 2018, 19:27

patience_and_healing wrote:@overtenyears: You don't need to use finger cots. Buy a box of nitrile gloves, cut off the fingers as needed, and use those.

Agreed. Nitrile gloves are much better, and they aren't much more expensive.
8/09 - 12/10: fissure, cured by LIS/fissurectomy
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Re: Dilation - use of finger cot

Postby proctorabbit » 12 May 2018, 19:34

Hi over10yearsnow - not sure where you are located and whether you have a local supplier but the ones by Rectogesic are made of nitrile and are not too expensive. We've had a few patients sent over by the local GP to pick up a box specifically for self-dilation. Otherwise DIY nitrile gloves as others have mentioned.
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Re: Dilation - use of finger cot

Postby Myitzu » 20 May 2018, 18:10

What kind of lubricant/ointment should use for dilation? I would like to try to do that, my fissure was healed but re tear in each six months or a year time since last three years. After re teared, sphincter was tight again :-( thanks to all members.
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Re: Dilation - use of finger cot

Postby patience_and_healing » 20 May 2018, 20:38

I'm using aloe cadabra ointment. I find it totally non- irritating and lubricating. If you're in the US you can find it at Whole Foods. Use the plain aloe version because fragrances can irritate the area.
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Re: Dilation - use of finger cot

Postby Myitzu » 20 May 2018, 21:55

Thanks patience_and_healing, I could not find in Australia for aloe cadabra ointment but will ask chemist for similar one.
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