It's been 33 days out from my fistulotomy. For the most part the would is healing up nicely but it still requires some more healing time. There is some very light whitish / yellow puss that is expelled at certain times. The surgeon says this is still "normal" while at this stage of healing.
But I've still been experiencing some rectal pain before and after my surgery. It's almost 4 months now. I've mentioned it on other posts it being a dull throbbing burning pain like a golf ball up the rectum.
The pain is usually comes 5 to 6 hours after a bowel movement and it lasts another 5 or 6 until it eases off. interestingly, if I don't have a bowel movement the second day I don't have this pain.
Seeing my surgeon last Friday he said he doesn't know what is causing this pain. Suggested some sort of "spasm".
I also want to point out I have hemorrhoids.....but the surgeon felt these weren't an issue ( after a sigmoidoscopy check back in early April).
He's now referred me to his other in-office surgeon colleague. I won't be able to see him till Aug.7

In the meantime he just returned my office call and asked me for my pharmacy phone# to send through a prescription.
I just called the pharmacy and was told it's diltiazem. It won't be ready till tomorrow. The pharmacist says she needs to mix it up with some Vaseline (apparently).
Now I don't belive I have a fissure. I don't have any sharp stabbing or glass like feeling during a bowel movement. No blood on stool or when I wipe. Nor did the surgeon find evidence during the surgery or believe I have a fissure.
He said I should try this out for a "couple of days".
Does this sound right?
How would I apply it? Like a topical cream?