Diverting attention

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Diverting attention

Postby Camry » 17 Oct 2021, 04:54

How do you guys try to divert your attention in regards to the spasms and all of af? Have been with on and off for quite some time. There are good days and there are bad. Sometimes you just feel emotionally tired knowing you have it and thinking about how your bm will be the next day? When i am busy i dont feel all the throbbing and spasms.
It is sometimes when you are resting that you feel throbbing and all.
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Re: Diverting attention

Postby Worstyear » 17 Oct 2021, 12:13

Hi Camry!
I do CBT therapy and there is not just one single way of distract yourself.
I used to take clonazepam (I have a box at home) if I get a really nervous crisis. But I don't use it. It helps with anxiety but not with the fissure itself. I tried also valium but it didn't work.
What I found to be very helpful to my mood and pain is well, weed lol. I use it as often as I need it and it really really REALLY helps me. But it is very personal. I used cbd oil and didnt work for me, but i know some people uses it with success.

On a daily basis, as I bm just before my work time, working often does the trick. I work from home and I feel blessed. I listen to music, breath deeply, go for a tea, strech, whatever.

Breathing exercises may help or not: some people feels a lot of anxiety concentrating on bodily functioning.

I also paint and do very mental heavy work so it really helps to actually make something, concentrate and feeling useful.
I struggle a lot with feelings of worthlessness because of this condition so anything that makes me feel useful and normal often makes me feel oi.

Some people go for a walk, i realized that doing normal activities outside my home helps me a lot.

I would really know what the others do too :)
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Re: Diverting attention

Postby Camry » 17 Oct 2021, 20:28

Worstyear wrote:Hi Camry!
I do CBT therapy and there is not just one single way of distract yourself.
I used to take clonazepam (I have a box at home) if I get a really nervous crisis. But I don't use it. It helps with anxiety but not with the fissure itself. I tried also valium but it didn't work.
What I found to be very helpful to my mood and pain is well, weed lol. I use it as often as I need it and it really really REALLY helps me. But it is very personal. I used cbd oil and didnt work for me, but i know some people uses it with success.

On a daily basis, as I bm just before my work time, working often does the trick. I work from home and I feel blessed. I listen to music, breath deeply, go for a tea, strech, whatever.

Breathing exercises may help or not: some people feels a lot of anxiety concentrating on bodily functioning.

I also paint and do very mental heavy work so it really helps to actually make something, concentrate and feeling useful.
I struggle a lot with feelings of worthlessness because of this condition so anything that makes me feel useful and normal often makes me feel oi.

Some people go for a walk, i realized that doing normal activities outside my home helps me a lot.

I would really know what the others do too :)

I share your sentiments too. Other than the privelege of working from home during this pandemic, my outlet is doing morning exercises or keeping myself busy with other things just to distract. There are just unavoidable times especially when you are resting that you feel the spasms and all.
Salt Bather
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