Does bleeding mean retear?

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Does bleeding mean retear?

Postby Mandah2386 » 05 Mar 2018, 08:48

I know I'm blowing up the feed this morning with questions. Sorry. So after a pretty low pain weekend I got lax on my eating habits and also on taking my stool softener and paid for this morning. Had a pretty painful bm and of course bright red blood. Does this mean a retear??? :( I can't do this anymore. Just when my mind wasn't on my butt all day everyday. Thankfully it isn't as painful as it was last week and it doesn't really hurt now just a small ache.
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Re: Does bleeding mean retear?

Postby Deleted User 7033 » 05 Mar 2018, 09:32

Hi, just some info you might like or might not. I used Pine Oil internally for my problem.
Sore, itchy and so much blood loss i had to try something else.
With Pine Oil you don't need to do anything but take it.
No dietary changes no laxatives and no pain.
I used the sugar cube method.
2-3 cubes stacked up.
First i did 15ml but found it was really heavy on the system so i dropped the dose to just 5ml on 1 cube or 10ml on 2 cubes.
So far so good I had instant relief no pain no ichiness and no more bleeding.
I still can't believe I'm not thinking about my area anymore its surreal.
Deleted User 7033

Re: Does bleeding mean retear?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 05 Mar 2018, 09:44

Hi is it possible you may have an internal hem as these will bleed and cause a bit of pain but they usually settle a lot quicker than a fissure. Maybe it’s not a retear. I know what’s it’s like to spend every waking minute thinking about your butt and it’s frustrating when you think your improving but then have a small setback
Good luck
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