Does nitroglycerin oitnment (rectiv) go bad / expire?

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Does nitroglycerin oitnment (rectiv) go bad / expire?

Postby healthybutt » 12 Mar 2017, 15:57

Hi all --

I'm back! After being in the clear for 3.5 months, I had a recurrence today -- it wasnt as terrible as it had been in the past, but there was a small bit of blood on the toilet paper and a sting when I used my travel bidet to rinse off, so I know I have to be extra careful again.

I was prescribed the Rectiv nitroglycerin ointment in late Nov. It says to keep the cap on tight and "use within 8 weeks of opening." Does it go bad after that, or become less effective? I can get a refill of it i.e. a fresh tube of ointment, but even with my insurance it costs $50. I'm willing to pay more than that for something to speed up healing, but dont want to if I can use the old tube that's been open for 4 months or so.

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Re: Does nitroglycerin oitnment (rectiv) go bad / expire?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 12 Mar 2017, 16:26

It becomes less effective after time hence the expiry date.
I don't know if it would hurt as I don't think it goes off but it also may not help at all.
You are probably better off getting a new tube
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Re: Does nitroglycerin oitnment (rectiv) go bad / expire?

Postby healthybutt » 12 Mar 2017, 16:29

Ah, thanks Mypoorbutt. I will get a new tube.
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