Hi everyone, i’m new here and i was wondering if anyone is able to give me some advice. I had surgery in may to get a skin tag removed, and ever since i’ve been struggeling with anal pain. After the surgery the pain was extreme. Over the months it has gotten better but i still have constant mild to moderate pain and occasional bleeding (down to about twice a month now). I’ve seen a gastroenterologist who prescribed me antrolin cream, which helped somewhat. He’s now suggesting my next option is lis surgery but he doesn’t seem to be that sure that i even have a fissure :s isn’t that something he should be able to see when he examines me? When i apply the cream i can feel some hard bits inside at different places. Bowel movements are uncomfortable (i use stool softeners and fibre supplements), but there is no longer the intense pain i had after the surgery.
Is anyone able to give an opinion on this? Could it be hems? Surgery scars not healing? Or fissure? I live in a developing country so botox is not an option and medical advice is not always 100% up to date i would really appreciate any input