external sphincter spasm after LIS

post-LIS spasm, external

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external sphincter spasm after LIS

Postby caf1988 » 22 Apr 2016, 22:41


Has anyone on this board dealt with seemingly random and intense spasm of the external sphincter post LIS? It seems like most of the pain and pressure is coming from here and I can feel it contracting post BM and randomly in lieu of the internal (now deactivated) sphincter. Is this normal with recovery? I'm on day 3 so far.
Also, what kind of diet should I adhere to? I was prescribed colace but am going to stop taking it as it is causing too many BMs. I am worried that too many BMS plus external spasm is going to make it so I never heal. :(
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Re: external sphincter spasm after LIS

Postby Bst2011 » 25 Apr 2016, 05:03

Hello caf1988,

Hope your recovery is going well. I'm on day 4 Post LIS aND I do feel those painful spasms after BM around the sphincter and I can't tell if it's s fissure healing pain or just the muscles.

Tomorrow I'm going to see my CRS and I hope I'm on the right track of recovery. I cannot imagine going through LIS and still having the AF problem.

Good luck
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Re: external sphincter spasm after LIS

Postby adeelraj » 25 Apr 2016, 06:19

the spasms will go away dont worry

i also had them 1.5 month post surgery
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Re: external sphincter spasm after LIS

Postby caf1988 » 25 Apr 2016, 14:03

Thanks all. The recovery is just taking longer than I would have expected. All and all it isn't terrible I just feel like walking and sitting is the most painful. The worst part of having a BM post surgery was definitely just pain from sitting on the toilet. The doctor also has me on colace which I think is making things worse as I'm having 5-7 liquid bms a day. Was on miralax pre LIS but might just stop all laxatives together since the LIS itself seems to have softened things up. Are you guys taking laxatives? I'm also eating softer high fiber foods.
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Re: external sphincter spasm after LIS

Postby caf1988 » 25 Apr 2016, 16:03

However it seems without this Colace I'm a little too constipated. I'm not sure what to do I cannot seem to find a balance at all.
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Re: external sphincter spasm after LIS

Postby Bst2011 » 02 May 2016, 06:52

I'm taking one movicol at night before bed and it's enough to keep my BM soft and on time every day. Too much BM doesn't help I guess. I'm having one every morning. Eating high fiber food and lots of water helps . . .
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Re: external sphincter spasm after LIS

Postby caf1988 » 05 May 2016, 23:24

when you have to go does it kind of hurt and start forcing its way out? I could deal with a slight mess after a BM (not all the way clean after the sitz bath, some residue) but my morning BM which is good on the bristol scale, just kind of violently starts pushing its way out and its painful/ difficult to hold it in. Is this normal? Is this incontinence? My Dr said something about the internal sphincter being PERMANENTLY deactivated now I'm freaking out and wonder what exactly he did to me. I'm not even 30 yet, I can't live the rest of my life this way.
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