First time doing finger massage (11 weeks post op)

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First time doing finger massage (11 weeks post op)

Postby TomatoSoup » 03 Nov 2018, 20:15

Hey since we're all sharing every detail of this journey I figured I'd write down my experience.

I'm 11 weeks post op from LIS and sentinel pile removal. I don't know much about hyper-something papillae but I also had that worked on according to my surgeon.

I'd gotten pretty experienced with lubing up a glove and feeling around my anus in the many months I had a fissure before surgery. It was the reason I knew I needed to see a butt doctor since things felt off. I also used a finger down there over the years during masturbation once in a while. FYI.

I'd been curious to feel around down there to compare the feelings to pre-LIS. I've been holding off on it because I still have random spotting of blood in my stool about once a week, though i've gone 3 weeks without a drop. So I've been fearful of aggravating my anus.

Today I gave it a try. I'm pleased to report that I definitely feel the fissure has improved greatly. I'm wary of words like "healed" and "cured" because I've experienced some setbacks and am just appreciating the good one day at a time.

I used to feel pain when I'd touch the 12 o'clock position. I knew it was messed up because the 6 o'clock side felt totally fine. I also remember that pre-op when I'd massage down there if I turned my finger it hurt like hell.

Today I played around down there with the lubed up finger for maybe 20-25 minutes. I cautiously massage outside for a bit before slowly inserting. I also had to learn how to relax the muscles and let it in. Luckily I did not feel that old sharp sting of the fissure. I didn't push my luck too much but I felt around the 12 o'clock area and it felt fine. My only fear is the incision side. I think I felt some slight discomfort over there and I hope the finger didn't upset it much.

In my experience, if it's going to hurt it's going to happen tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it's all good. I kinda told myself that people on this forum say they've used anal vibrators post-op to stimulate healing and avoid scarring so how bad could a little finger be? Famous last words :)
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