Hi everyone,
I recently got my first fissure a few weeks ago. I don’t know how I got it as I had soft bms and there’s nothing I can’t think of that I did to cause it. I did have my appendix removed about a month ago and was on antibiotics when my fissure started.
Nothing seems to be helping. Originally the dr I saw wouldn’t do an exam so I didn’t know if it was a hemorrhoid or fissure. The dr wrote for a hemorrhoid cream which seemed to make my rectum very irritated and my symptoms worse.
I stopped using that and saw another dr who wrote for the diltiazem ointment, I just started it Wednesday night and so far no improvement.
How long did it take people to notice a difference with diltiazem?
The pain I’m experiencing when having bm’s is absolutely excruciating, and I feel pain afterwards throughout the day, but bms seem to be the worst part for me in this whole situation. I’ve also made myself constipated a few times due to the anxiety of the pain, constipation has NEVER been an issue for me until now.