Fissure, blue gloves and lube

Fissure, blue gloves and lube

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Fissure, blue gloves and lube

Postby chris » 31 Jul 2017, 16:48

Hi, 42 year old UK fit male 5:10 12s 9lbs with fissure :( Lets get straight to it!

I have had blood in my poo for a long while, no too much to worry about, just a few drips so thought nothing of it. Slight sharp pain whilst on the lav but nothing after. At the end of last year I wasn't feeling my usual self. Normally very fit and active, just from time to time though no get up a go at all. I also had stomach cramps, hip pain and constipation at which point the toilet issues or should I say post toilet discomfort commenced. Two blood tests later and it appears I have raised bilirubin levels in my blood, this the doctor put down to gilberts syndrome (GS). All the stuff that had been and does happen to me is consistent with people who have GS. Nothing I can do about it apparently..oh well.

Coping with GS apart from this fissure. After BM I can have a burning, grating feeling in my back passage which also give me the sensation I need to urinate. This can last for hours up to days. Baths help but only for the time your in there. Tried whacking up loads of stuff, Prep H has no effect, suppositories no effect. Go to the point a couple of months ago called in at local hospital out of hours and requested prescription for GTN ointment after google research. This helped, but wow what an instant headache. Just using it at night and trying to get off to sleep asap...this does help.

Last weekend after some more google research came across self dilation, bought some blue nitrile gloves and coconut oil and introduced my index finger gently to a part of my body never explored by myself or anyone for that matter before. TIGHT as I don't know what. What a grip! Persevered for 12 mins, with small circular motions and I felt it relax. Been doing this every day for 8 days now and it does feel a bit better, not rushing for the pain killers after a BM. Also using GTN as massage lubricant rather than oil occasionally.

Anyone else doing or experiencing the same, happy to share knowledge. Chris
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Re: Fissure, blue gloves and lube

Postby yenrac » 07 Nov 2017, 22:21

How are you doing? I started trying this to ease spasms.
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