I have not had a proper poop since Tuesday (five days). I suspect I have either a fissure or an internal hemorrhoid. When I try to BM, I can feel the contents of my bowels rubbing against what feels like an extremely sensitive mass and the pain is excruciating, like a knife is being drawn against my rectum. The pain is so much that the only thing I can bring myself to do is de-clench and forego the poop. It's the worst pain I can remember having experienced and am really worried.
Wednesday and Thursday I could get a couple tiny dry nuggets out. Yesterday and today, basically nothing. I went to the emergency room on Friday because I was really freaked out and they prescribed colace (docusate sodium) 100 mg morning and night, and a lidocaine jelly as needed. They've conjectured that it is an anal fissure because of how sensitive I am and the presence of blood on the external ttisue. Also recommended Sitz baths. I started all three Friday afternoon, with a Sitz bath every four or five hours with epsom salts, then dabbing with witch hazel, then applying the lidocaine jelly.
Nothing else in my body function is affected; everything is local to the anus/rectum, but I'm really worried about what is happening inside of me. Where the F**k is all the food that I'm eating going?
For what it's worth, I already drink a lot of water and eat a high fiber diet. Am starting to add some psyllium (metamucil).
Any advice would be really helpful! Could a prep-H suppository help? I am seeing a colo-rectal guy on Friday but really don't want to live with this until then.
Thanks in advance, this is the most worrisome condition I've experienced.