Fissure or internal hemorrhoid making it too painful to poop

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Fissure or internal hemorrhoid making it too painful to poop

Postby ouchnumbertwo » 14 May 2017, 10:44

I have not had a proper poop since Tuesday (five days). I suspect I have either a fissure or an internal hemorrhoid. When I try to BM, I can feel the contents of my bowels rubbing against what feels like an extremely sensitive mass and the pain is excruciating, like a knife is being drawn against my rectum. The pain is so much that the only thing I can bring myself to do is de-clench and forego the poop. It's the worst pain I can remember having experienced and am really worried.
Wednesday and Thursday I could get a couple tiny dry nuggets out. Yesterday and today, basically nothing. I went to the emergency room on Friday because I was really freaked out and they prescribed colace (docusate sodium) 100 mg morning and night, and a lidocaine jelly as needed. They've conjectured that it is an anal fissure because of how sensitive I am and the presence of blood on the external ttisue. Also recommended Sitz baths. I started all three Friday afternoon, with a Sitz bath every four or five hours with epsom salts, then dabbing with witch hazel, then applying the lidocaine jelly.
Nothing else in my body function is affected; everything is local to the anus/rectum, but I'm really worried about what is happening inside of me. Where the F**k is all the food that I'm eating going?
For what it's worth, I already drink a lot of water and eat a high fiber diet. Am starting to add some psyllium (metamucil).
Any advice would be really helpful! Could a prep-H suppository help? I am seeing a colo-rectal guy on Friday but really don't want to live with this until then.
Thanks in advance, this is the most worrisome condition I've experienced.
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Re: Fissure or internal hemorrhoid making it too painful to

Postby hurtinend » 15 May 2017, 19:02

your are going to have to clear the pipes. Take a laxative or try an enema. You cannot remain that backed up.
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Re: Fissure or internal hemorrhoid making it too painful to

Postby ouchnumbertwo » 16 May 2017, 16:06

I tried a mineral oil enema. I don't think I did it properly -- I can't comfortably get the tip inside, even if I lubricate with k-y jelly. Most of it ended up dribbling out and onto the floor. I also tried a glycerin suppository, which actually did seem to help. I've added Senna and Miralax to my regimen, and boosted my dose of colace. Going to the bathroom remains extremely painful. I also picked up medical gloves and am attempting to break up what I can but again my anus is extremely tight.

I'm mostly worried about fecal impaction at this point. Everything else I can deal with. I will try to go to work tomorrow (thank goodness that I can work from home). Then I'll ask the colo-rectal guy if he can think of what I might be able to do. All of this tissue is pretty sore right now from all the poking, prodding, rubbing, etc.
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Re: Fissure or internal hemorrhoid making it too painful to

Postby KT810 » 03 Oct 2017, 20:04


I know this post is old but I wanted to see how you made out? I've also been "forgoing the poop" for the last two days after getting my AF late Sunday night (I was trying to pass very hard dry stools then). I've taken Dulco Ease stool softener since yesterday and a dose of Miralax tonight. I absolutely know something is there but back off when it gets to the "tip" and is about to come out because of the pain. Was considering doing an enema tonight and calling my doctor first thing in the morning.

Thanks! Hope everything turned out ok for you!
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