Fissure - pain duration

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Fissure - pain duration

Postby Nectarine » 03 Mar 2018, 10:02

Hi everybody
I am pretty desperate. Was diagnosed with a fissure (probably chronic) and experiencing an excruciating pain, as you all will know from experience. I am a bit puzzled though by the fact that Rectogesic helped immediately and I got better and better for about 2 weeks and then yesterday, just out of nowhere, the pain came back and it's even worse. Started this morning after going to the loo (about 6am) and since then I've passed out because of the pain and have been crying my eyes out. Ointment, painkillers, baths.... nothing helps!!!! I don't know how much longer I can endure this level of pain.... Any advice? Thanks!!! Liu
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Re: Fissure - pain duration

Postby Mypoorbutt » 03 Mar 2018, 11:28

Unfortunately I had often had days when nothing would ease the spasms and the pain would start about an hour after a BM and increase in severity over about 8/12 hours then reach an agonising crescendo and slowly decrease over the next 12 hours.
If you continue to get days like this then see about getting gabapentin as a painkiller as it really helped my intense spasm pain
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Re: Fissure - pain duration

Postby Nectarine » 04 Mar 2018, 14:44

Thanks a lot for your reply!!! Today I am totally fine, a bit of burning after BM in the morning but something like 3/10 and then NOTHING all day.... Tomorrow I am supposed to go teaching and am scared it will start again. Yesterday the pain was 100/10 and today nothing, so I don't see any logic and am REALLY scared it will happen when I am at work :-(
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Re: Fissure - pain duration

Postby Mypoorbutt » 04 Mar 2018, 14:48

Maybe it’s a good sign that the cream is starting to work and that the pain will continue to decrease. Unfortunately with a fissure the more we worry the more cortisol we produce and that tightens the IS.
I hope tomorrow goes well, I help out at my local school as an invigilator and had to stop while my fissure was at its worst as couldn’t imagine standing in an exam hall full of children in that much pain.
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Re: Fissure - pain duration

Postby Nectarine » 04 Mar 2018, 14:55

Good point, I wasn't thinking about that... Perhaps I should drink some infusions rather than coffees!!! Thanks again, fingers crossed for tomorrow, I really can't even think about having another day like yesterday :-(
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Re: Fissure - pain duration

Postby Deleted User 7033 » 04 Mar 2018, 17:39

Hi, try Pine Oil it's amazing best results ever. No Pain yes No Pain it works fast.
100 % pure essential pine oil or 100% pure gum terpentine.
Has to be pure oil. Taken on sugar cubes, 5 ml per large cube. Maximum dose 15ml although start slow 5 ml or 10 ml twice a week. See how you feel.
Research it first learn all you can before trying it.
Do Not Overdose. Pine Oil is potent.
Deleted User 7033

Re: Fissure - pain duration

Postby Nectarine » 06 Mar 2018, 04:45

Will try, thanks!!! BTW Sunday no pain whatsoever (went climbing....), yesterday totally fine (went teaching all day), today is back without any logic.... So far it's not as bad as Saturday and I hope it won't be. Meanwhile, I've just realised that - like and IDIOT - I've been using the same Rectogesic for over a month. Could it be the reason it stopped working? Thanks everybody!!
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Re: Fissure - pain duration

Postby Deleted User 7033 » 06 Mar 2018, 12:34

Since using Pine Oil for a month i haven't thought about any pain or if there will be any.
I'm back to normal life as it used to be.
Happy days.
For anyone out there suffering with any gastrointestinal disorders try 100% Pine Oil its amazing.
Deleted User 7033

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