Fissures change stools?

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Fissures change stools?

Postby Indo42 » 22 Mar 2017, 22:18

I got my first fissure in September 2016 healed up after nitro creM and about 2 weeks. Pain made me pass out at times. Started taking fiber eating right etc. all was fine then in February I got another one. Doc thinks something is causing this such as chrons or colitis. Colonoscopy and egd are next Wednesday. My stool has changed it's not diarrhea but it has no shape to it and bubbles come up from it. I have pics but didn't want to post. What's going on with me?? I went back to the doc on Monday and he said I have external hemmroids, it looks like a pink pea size lump. I looked up pics and the lump doesn't look like hemmoroids.
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Re: Fissures change stools?

Postby dmcff » 23 Mar 2017, 02:35

If you have recently started to take a softener like Miralax or lactulose, that could alter the shape and texture of the stools. I wouldn't worry about it too much, but tell your doctor.

My doctor also suspected Crohn's or colitis, but was unable to get conclusive results from stool tests he did on me. In the end I've just had to get used to living with my fissures - but recently that's been difficult because of a sudden increase in pain, for no apparent reason.

If you are having a colonoscopy, make sure you tell the surgeon or doctor that you have AF, and they should be able to make the necessary adjustments so you don't suffer. Colonoscopy generally looks further up the GI tract, while fissures occur lower down.

AF is a mysterious condition in some ways. Doctors - even CRSes - don't seem to know an awful lot about it, and I've had to do much of the research on my own. This group is also invaluable as a source of information and support.

2014 Anal fissure
2015 CAT, EUA, sigmoidoscopy, 2 MRI
2016 Pain severe then moderate to low
2017 Moderate pain
2018 Physical therapy, pain management
2019-20 Living with it
2021 Still AF
2022 Therapy, meditation
2023 Pneumonia
2024 CT scan, MRI, ERCP
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Re: Fissures change stools?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 23 Mar 2017, 03:29

Taking supplements of any kind including fibre can change the consistency of BMs. I have crohns and unless you have a mild form then you normally go over 15 times a day when I'm having a flare I can often go 30 times. If it is crohns meds will help a lot even on bad days i don't have more than 15 BMs now.
I agree make sure you tell them you have a fissure as they will use a smaller tube.
Peri anal crohns also causes lots of fissures and fistulas so the odd hem isn't too suspicious...could it be a large skin tag from your fissure most docs will say those are hems.
Really good luck and I hope they manage to help you
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Re: Fissures change stools?

Postby Indo42 » 23 Mar 2017, 06:41

Ty all for replying, I was 280lbs and d coded to get healthy after a Ct scan for mysterious belly showed I was fine with the exception of diverticulosis. GI doc get fiber or I'll have problems. So here came the smoothies! Lots of kale and other assorted veggies. I went extreme on this. I added chia flax and Metamucil to this shake with all the fruits and veggies and life was good until I got my first fissure from it. After the second one the GI doc told me to stop the shakes and my stools haven't been right, I'm worried about cancer. I don't know why my stools look like I haven't digested anything. As for the colonoscopy, doc said fissure or not you need to get one with an egd to check for Hplyori due to these veggies I've been eating something may have gotten in. Side note this fissure doesn't hurt as bad as the first one, it doesn't feel like I'm pooping glass. I joined a gym and went from 280 to 200 in 8 months. Again thanks for your support.
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