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It's been 2.5 weeks since my LIS and I think I have a fistula. There's a deep wound lateral to my anus and no matter how many times I wipe there is always stool present. I had my husband push on the area and stool came out. Also I've seen pus when I wipe. No external redness or swelling to suggest an abscess. Anyone have any thoughts? Could this be the site of the LIS incision and do you think it can still heal? Thanks.
I believe that you had hemorrhoids removed too? Hard to have both done.
Usually - but not always - there is pain from an abscess, but difficult to know from a description. Suggest not waiting for your followup appointment (still a week to go if I remember what you said on another post) and get in to see your surgeon sooner rather than later.
Met with the surgeon today and he says everything looks good. No fistula that he can see. I'm healing a bit slower than others, likely because of how much work I had done, but I AM healing. Good news. :)