Fistula after LIS

I think I have one - please help!

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Fistula after LIS

Postby ScarabWarrior » 23 Jan 2016, 14:25

It's been 2.5 weeks since my LIS and I think I have a fistula. There's a deep wound lateral to my anus and no matter how many times I wipe there is always stool present. I had my husband push on the area and stool came out. Also I've seen pus when I wipe. No external redness or swelling to suggest an abscess. Anyone have any thoughts? Could this be the site of the LIS incision and do you think it can still heal? Thanks.
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Re: Fistula after LIS

Postby Savaici » 23 Jan 2016, 14:37

I believe that you had hemorrhoids removed too? Hard to have both done.

Usually - but not always - there is pain from an abscess, but difficult to know from a description. Suggest not waiting for your followup appointment (still a week to go if I remember what you said on another post) and get in to see your surgeon sooner rather than later.

Sorry that you have the extra worry. :smilyhug:
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Re: Fistula after LIS

Postby ScarabWarrior » 23 Jan 2016, 14:48

Thank you for the quick response! Yes another week to go but I'm going to call on Monday.
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Re: Fistula after LIS

Postby ScarabWarrior » 25 Jan 2016, 19:52

Met with the surgeon today and he says everything looks good. No fistula that he can see. I'm healing a bit slower than others, likely because of how much work I had done, but I AM healing. Good news. :)
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Re: Fistula after LIS

Postby richibeno » 16 Feb 2016, 14:46

How you doing scarab hope alls good
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