
6 days post op

Fistula support sub forum. Are you having, or have you had surgery for a Fistula? Or are you just looking for information? We will help where we can and are here to offer support, member-to-member. Check out our Fistula Success Stories sub-forum too!!

Return to FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?


Postby » 26 Feb 2015, 09:39


Firstly I wish I had stumbled upon this fantastic website prior to my surgery! :smilyhug:

Ok here goes.... Having suffered for years with problems after having episiotomies with both my children ( bad incisions front to back, sloppy handy work) I never expected to find myself in this position :groan:

I had surgery for a complex fistula (laid open) 6 days ago now (looks like Edward scissorhands has performed the operation as my surgeon said it was quite complex :/) initially the incision looked rather large 3 inch by 1.5 inch and extremely close to my external sphincter in two places but thankfully does appear to have shrunk a little. Now days 1-5 having a bm I just could have died the pain was awful but I will add it subsided in the sitz bath eventually! (My godsend). There was involvement of my internal sphincter so when I need to go I need to go so to speak!
I dread going toilet for fear of the pain and I found I really am not eating very much (perhaps trying to avoid the inevitable). It also feels like I am passing stool through this incision?? Is that possible? Is it normal? I don't see my surgeon until Monday and was concerned.

I am feeling a little overwhelmed by the whole experience and I am sorry if I have given TMI, if anyone has any advise I would really appreciate it.

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Re: Fistula

Postby tll » 03 Mar 2015, 21:39

Hi Kerry I have had 10 surgeries for a complex fistula have you seen your Dr since you think you were passing stools through where they did surgery? The reason I am asking is because with all of my surgeries they failed and feces would end up in the fistula track again that is how I knew it didn't work. Hopefully this is not your case.
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