Flavonoids and coconut oil for fissure and piles

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Flavonoids and coconut oil for fissure and piles

Postby Vishal » 13 Jan 2018, 12:12

I had my fissure about 4 years and since then life has not been the same. Doctors have been almost useless. One doc however was especially helpful. He prescribed daflon to me which is a combination of two bio flavonoids. It really helps with the bleeding and pain. I was able to do things again that I didnt thought i would be able to do again but when i use too much i get constipated. That however is easily taken care of with magnesium supplements. My doc said that he cant see the fissure anymore but i still had burning during bowel movement and pain when sitting. For the past couple months however Im using coconut oil both topically and orally and the burning and pain has significantly subsided. I usually make my own coconut oil. Both the coconut oil and flavonoids are reasonably inexpensive and Im sure it will help all of you my fellow sufferers.
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