Getting Back in Shape

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Getting Back in Shape

Postby Ale252 » 06 Aug 2023, 21:09

Hey Everyone! Suffered from chronic fissures and hemorrhoids for the past 2 years and finally been healing better recently with my routine and diet. Mainly, I have overcome my mental depression from this and decided that these issues will likely always be a problem for me on some level and decided to move on with my life. Mainly I want to know how to get back into shape after 2 years of this. I have lost tons of weight due to diet and only walking for exercise for 2 years and I am basically dangerously underweight and in need to build some muscle back. I know that working out is tough for people with recurring fissure and hemorrhoid issues and it is really causing me distress to start building muscle back again. Does anyone who has healed or still work out despite their fissure and hemorrhoid issues have any advice on what the best way to go about getting back into working out and building muscle without risking reaggravation? Any help really appreciated! :)
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Re: Getting Back in Shape

Postby patience_and_healing » 08 Aug 2023, 13:31

It is definitely possible to get back in shape again. I strongly suggest getting advice from a dietitian and personal trainer before attempting this on your own. My main suggestion would be to avoid heavy lifting while holding your breath. That would aggravate hemorrhoids.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
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Re: Getting Back in Shape

Postby Hazey123 » 11 Aug 2023, 12:20

Hey Ale252
It’s definitely possible to workout with a fissure. I workout most days - I walk run cycle (standing up on an indoor trainer) and weight train (using light weights and body weight stuff nothing heavy) I would have lost my mind without. I have tried not exercising for months at a time and I feel even worse. Exercising helps with blood flow to the area and I believe overall it helps me to feel better. It certainly never makes things worse. Endorphins are much needed with this depressing condition. Like you I’m trying to accept this as part of my life - and not get hung up on curing it as clearly it doesn’t want to go away!! I’m better than I was but kind of stuck like this. Controlled discomfort I guess you would call it. Small pain with BM and low level burning most of the time! Exercising is my life line. Certainly a PT would be good if you don’t know where to start! Good luck x
AF following skin tag surgery Feb 2022
GTN ointment
sigmoidoscopy & EUA Sept 2022 no fissure found
2nd opinion Jan 2023 fissure diagnosed, diltiazem - allergic
recommended Botox Fissurectomy
3rd opinion - dilation 2x per day plus GTN ….
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