Gold Bond ?

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Gold Bond ?

Postby SunshineHope » 29 Jun 2007, 13:58

Hi all, sorry to post so much but I've been reading a lot about Gold Bond and how it supposedly helps heal fissures? Is that true? Or is it just used to reduce itchiness?
I've been so itchy lately and nothing really seems to help - bathing feels awesome for the time I'm in there, but I usually get more itchy after coming out. I've read about Gold Bond helping some people so was wondering if it could actually help heal a fissure -- or whether it just helps reduce the itch!!
I'm so reluctant to use anything down there - I wasn't even going to use aloe vera as I thought it would sting, even though it turned out to be the most soothing thing I've ever applied to my bum Image
Thanks for your help!
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Re: Gold Bond ?

Postby Guest » 29 Jun 2007, 14:03

I haven't tried it but I would be comfortable doing so. I think it would help with your itching.
Whenever I try something new I just have a bath ready or washcloth to get rid of the offender is necessary.

Re: Gold Bond ?

Postby happyass » 29 Jun 2007, 16:16

are you blow drying your butt after your shower/baths?
if not, that will help you immensely.
blow dry your anus on cool setting of course. til your crack is all dry!
then apply your favorite moisturizer like aloe vera or vitamin e for example.
i have not tried the gold bond stuff as i don't have the itchies. but i blow dry every day!
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Re: Gold Bond ?

Postby buttgirl » 02 Jul 2007, 12:53

it could help or possibly cure. In my opinion here's why:

I've come to the conclusion that fissures can be caused by and exacerbatd by a number of factors. These include

--tension in the internal sphincter
--hard/constipated poos
--bacterial contamination of the wound
--bacterial imbalance in the gut
--chaffing from various sources
--inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohns/Ulcerative Colitis)
--yeast imbalance in the gut

Although my GPwould swear that people don't get yeast infections in their guts unless they are immuno supressed, i can't help but think that 1) the rectum is the end of the gut and therefore influenced by more than just gut flora (i.e. g-string chaffing) and 2) people get jock itch/yeast infections all of the time in the crotchal area, which includes the butt, and 3) antibiotics cause both yeast imbalance in the gut and bacterial imbalances in the gut (so if you've taken antibiotics or even oral anti-yeast pills within, say, the past year, that can be a culprit)

So this is a long way of saying that I think if a fissure is being cause/exacerbated by a anal/rectal yeast imbalance, then gold bond/tinactin/monistat can help clear up the problem. Anecdotally, if you read jacks SF self-help pages, many people have found relief from using tinactin--an OTC cream for yeast infections.
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Re: Gold Bond ?

Postby mkmchale » 28 Jul 2018, 21:49

I heard about using Gold Bond as a remedy. I tried it and now and it works. I dont leave my house without a travel sized gold bond body powder.

Highly recommend
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Re: Gold Bond ?

Postby mike1971 » 29 Jul 2018, 06:41

This is the OTC stuff?
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