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Postby Lsfb1989 » 11 Apr 2018, 16:16

I am waiting to see CRS in august, where I think we will go for Botox for the 2nd time, but recently the pain has really increased, to most of the day, and I can feel a little lump again (I had a “warty lesion” removed at the last Botox. I have booked a gp aopt for tomorrow to get a look at the area, incase it is infected as I feel run down and it feels weird. Am I wasting the GP’s time as only the CRS can help? I just want to make sure something hasnt gone wrong :(
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Re: GP?

Postby Lsfb1989 » 16 Apr 2018, 15:24

I saw the GP, he didnt want to see as I guess he knew I had one and it would have hurt to move the cheeks. Ive been given Clarithromycin and damn do i feel better! Def was infected, no constant wetness and stabbing
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