Gym with AF


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Gym with AF

Postby bdfguy » 09 May 2019, 08:19

Hi Guys,

Can anyone give any advice with regard to weight training and abdominal excercises with an AF?
Obviously heavy weights are out but is a gentle workout with light weights still problematic and perhaps slow down healing or stop it altogether.? I used to work out regularly 3-4 times a week but have now had to cut back to some light cardio on a step machine but I am piling on the weight and have lost all definition which only aggravates an already stressful situation. Thanks for any feedback.
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Re: Gym with AF

Postby Abu » 09 May 2019, 10:53

I did weight train all the time since the fissure with just some weeks off when it was really painful. Even with the periodic retear I experienced in the past 5 years I still kept hitting the gym. My advice is to use whatever weight you can muster without doing the valsalva maneuver - meaning, without holding your breath. This is the only danger as it puts pressure on the fissure. If you keep breathing while lifting you are safe. I am talking from personal experience.

Good luck!
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Re: Gym with AF

Postby bdfguy » 09 May 2019, 14:46

Thanks so much for the advice.
Will go back gradually and see how it goes
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Re: Gym with AF

Postby rlb273 » 19 Jun 2019, 00:27

Hey, how is it going with the weight training? Have you found it negatively effects you? I have only recently gotten back into it after almost 8 months of no weight training. It would always cause me to spasm, not sure why. Anyway, things are more or less better for me, my ass sometimes hurts after cardio though, long runs maybe 5 miles +.
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