by Fissurefrustration » 20 Sep 2015, 01:14
you have been through a lot and you will take time to heal, there is a light at the end of the tunnel :-) have a read through my diary on this forum. It covers the past year and the two procedures I've had done. I had Botox and banding first, then 2 months ago I had excision of excessive scar tissue but no second shot of Botox which I found weird.
My main tips for you:
Water! Drink it like no tomorrow but pace yourself through the day. Have a good pint of it with every meal. Aim for 2 litres a day.
Talk to your family, I didn't for so long and found out my brother had a fissure for a month and it was so good to finally discuss it with him and get it off my chest - don't lock yourself away its so therapeutic to talk. (Don't forget we're here too if you ever need anything!)
Already mentioned the gtn, but this if used correctly can be a lifesaver. The headaches are annoying but don't use it stood up.
Avoid lifting heavy weights I.e children where possible - that can cause a tear as I found out!!
Don't be afraid to take pain relief. I found having 2 paracetamol every am when I woke up ebbed the pain with a bm when I went to the loo an hour or so later.
Keep a food and bm diary, maybe start a diary here? I found it useful to correlate what I was drinking and eating to how much pain I was in.
There has to be a point about over the counter medicine. Try to get some magnesium tablets and take one at night before bed. Magnesium draws water from your system into the bowel which makes your poop soft as anything. Also I take oral vitamin E, vitamin C and cod liver oil.
Finally, hot water bottles!!! Fill up one a quarter full and sit on it when you can. I found it took away the throbbing after a bm quite fast.
That's all I can think of for now as its so early here but will keep in touch and feel free to ask any questions. You are not alone buddy!
Suffering since June 2013
Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21