Had surgery today: Fissurectomy & Botox Injections

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Had surgery today: Fissurectomy & Botox Injections

Postby Gluteus Maximus » 18 Sep 2015, 05:07

Hi all,

I could share my story with you all in great detail but I wont. I'm 31, Male. It involves 6months of bad to severe pain. I have a pretty strong pain threshold, I'm covered in tattoos, but this was the type of pain that you start making deals with any god that will listen.

I had surgery today. Fissurectomy and Botox injections in Melbourne Australia. I welcomed this surgery as I was ready to get on with my life.

I'll share my story of recovery with you all as openly and honestly as I can as I go. Hopefully it is a success story. I plan to make it one by doing everything I can, as I have been already, to defeat this.

They "cut out and cleaned up the sides of a chronic fissure" today. Injected Botox too sphincter too. I was warned about recovery pain.

Here's my questions:
Has anyone else had this procedure?
How was your recovery?
Any amazing tips I may not know about?
When they inject Botox is it to the internal or external sphincter?
How long before I can play soccer again?

This is my first post but I've been reading for some time. Many of you have already offered me help and information just by your posts and responses to others, so enormous thanks. I'll keep you all posted!

Long may out butts be pain free!
May we poop with confidence and glee!
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Re: Had surgery today: Fissurectomy & Botox Injections

Postby Gluteus Maximus » 19 Sep 2015, 08:24

Day 1 is over. After a laxative I had 3BM today. The first I was quite anxious about but it was surprisingly the easiest of the three. Salt baths after each helped, panadol and nurofen on top. The 3rd BM was horrible. The first sign of blood too which was concerning. It was a pretty rough day but all in all I was expecting much worse. I can take confidence from today. I've had far worse days pre surgery. I'm unsure if the Botox has taken effect, I'm interested to know how much of a difference it makes.
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Re: Had surgery today: Fissurectomy & Botox Injections

Postby Gluteus Maximus » 19 Sep 2015, 08:38

Can someone tell me please...am I supposed to continue using Rectogesic or Rectinol after surgery? I also have been using Scheriproct (which I think worked the best) pre operation. But I have since stopped using them all.
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Re: Had surgery today: Fissurectomy & Botox Injections

Postby Fissurefrustration » 19 Sep 2015, 18:08

Hi there and welcome to the forum!

I've read through your posts and hope I can help. I had the same op as you a few months back then again 6 weeks ago. I'm a 25 year old male in good shape with a pretty healthy lifestyle.

After my Botox shots, (into the internal sphincter) the biggest difference I had was I had to rush to the loo otherwise I'd poop myself. Also, wind came out at the worst possible times (I.e in the middle of a big meeting) and I had blood on every bm for a month.

It's a long long recovery, with hiccups along the way. Keep up with your gtn every single day - don't stop. Also sits baths as much as you can!!!!

What caused your fissure? Do you work? Just take it easy regarding playing soccer again - it's so easy to Rio newly healing tissue.

Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Had surgery today: Fissurectomy & Botox Injections

Postby Gluteus Maximus » 19 Sep 2015, 20:09

Hi FF,

Thanks so much for the reply. Having someone to talk to who has been through this is immeasurably helpful! I think it was just a hard BM that caused my fissure, just over 6 months ago. My doctor (and I saw this noted on the surgeons report too) old me I also just have a tight sphincter. (Ha! So I'm a tight arse basically!) I have had to really strain in the past to get a poo out. Something I never want to do again. I would put that down to something as simple as not enough water or fruit for a day or two in succession in my case. Another thing, I'll never let slip.

Thanks for the advice on the Rectogesic GTN cream. I will continue to use that. Today is day 2 after my surgery and I just had a BM this morning. Very very painful, nearly fell off the toilet due to my over oxygenation I was breathing so hard. Some blood, sore and tender after, still sore now (nearly 1 hour).

I have 2 weeks off work which is good. I do have a very busy lifestyle though. I work with kids, have a 3 yr old and a newborn at home and play sport as a second income. It is the off season now so I have months before I would need to be back. Pre surgery though, the best time with least pain was whilst playing sport. It was a great release.

Today has been:
All bran with ripe banana and honey
Panadol Osteo (which I think does nothing)
Prune juice
Fish oil
Multivitamin and Rhodiola
BM from hell
Hot salt bath
Applied some Scheriproct to exterior (no chance of insertion today!) I will switch back to GTN I think.

How long did it take for Botox to kick in for you?
Was there a noticeable change?
Why did you have to have secondary Botox injections?
Are you pain free yet?

Thanks FF for your reply. You've helped more than you know!
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Re: Had surgery today: Fissurectomy & Botox Injections

Postby Fissurefrustration » 20 Sep 2015, 01:14

you have been through a lot and you will take time to heal, there is a light at the end of the tunnel :-) have a read through my diary on this forum. It covers the past year and the two procedures I've had done. I had Botox and banding first, then 2 months ago I had excision of excessive scar tissue but no second shot of Botox which I found weird.

My main tips for you:
Water! Drink it like no tomorrow but pace yourself through the day. Have a good pint of it with every meal. Aim for 2 litres a day.

Talk to your family, I didn't for so long and found out my brother had a fissure for a month and it was so good to finally discuss it with him and get it off my chest - don't lock yourself away its so therapeutic to talk. (Don't forget we're here too if you ever need anything!)

Already mentioned the gtn, but this if used correctly can be a lifesaver. The headaches are annoying but don't use it stood up.

Avoid lifting heavy weights I.e children where possible - that can cause a tear as I found out!!

Don't be afraid to take pain relief. I found having 2 paracetamol every am when I woke up ebbed the pain with a bm when I went to the loo an hour or so later.

Keep a food and bm diary, maybe start a diary here? I found it useful to correlate what I was drinking and eating to how much pain I was in.

There has to be a point about over the counter medicine. Try to get some magnesium tablets and take one at night before bed. Magnesium draws water from your system into the bowel which makes your poop soft as anything. Also I take oral vitamin E, vitamin C and cod liver oil.

Finally, hot water bottles!!! Fill up one a quarter full and sit on it when you can. I found it took away the throbbing after a bm quite fast.

That's all I can think of for now as its so early here but will keep in touch and feel free to ask any questions. You are not alone buddy!

Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Had surgery today: Fissurectomy & Botox Injections

Postby Gluteus Maximus » 20 Sep 2015, 02:30

Hey ff.

Thanks again for the reply. I'm having a read through your post now. You are right that talking about these things helps. My wife and close friends at work have been great. I'm able to laugh at these things, although it is altering to lifestyle and very painful at times it is just a pain in the arse! I still feel lucky with everything good in my life. Oh! Which brings up another point I've found out-stress definitely plays a part! A positive outlook and relaxation and mindfulness help enormously. When I'm stressed I definately feel it more.

What do you mean don't have the GTN ointment stood up? Incase of a fall?

After the BM this morning today has been ok. I've had some time to rest. In the interest of full disclosure I'm writing this update from a salt bath! (Hoping I don't drop my phone in the water!)

Back to reading your posts. I'll write again soon. Hopefully there are others who can benefit from our discussion.
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Re: Had surgery today: Fissurectomy & Botox Injections

Postby Gluteus Maximus » 23 Sep 2015, 03:29

Hi all.

Day 5 is here and I'm still alive! I had a BM last night and another now, this evening. I didn't hyperventilate and nearly fall off the toilet this time! The pain has been getting less and less. Keeping my stools super soft! I've started taking blackmores SCF (Silicone Calcium Floride) and mediherb Tissue Regenex at the advice of my naturopath friend. These help reduce the formation of scar tissue and promote tissue regeneration. I've also started having a teaspoon of organic coconut oil morning and night. Wash it down with some juice, easy.

She told me to avoid All Bran and Metamucil as these are dry and processed fibers that will bulk up poos and do more harm than good. She said wet natural fibers are best. Pears, prunes, oats, vegetables are best. They've been helping my BM remain super soft!

Starting to feel better everyday. Haven't eaten anything bad year. No red meats. Lots of soup! Very nervous about taking a backward step and retearing.
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Re: Had surgery today: Fissurectomy & Botox Injections

Postby Fissurefrustration » 23 Sep 2015, 05:14

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. Works been crazy!

but yes I always say lie on your side before using GTN, there's a high chance of a headrush which could potentially lead to a collapse if your stood. I'm so glad your feeling better with every day that comes that's great news!!!

the sad news is you may retear, it's one of those things and is perfectly natural after a big op. We've all been there! hiccups are a natural part of the healing process. But to reduce chances of this keep up with what your doing. Don't forget your two litres+ of water a day!! Anxiety can be a killer, try to be as relaxed as possible, take your time and make sure your remember all the good times your having and add it to your diary as you can look back and smile at how far you have come.

Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Had surgery today: Fissurectomy & Botox Injections

Postby Gluteus Maximus » 23 Sep 2015, 21:22

Thanks FF. I would think I've been doing 3 or 4 liters of water a day! It definately is the number one remedy above all else.

Off to have another soup for lunch. Just had a BM. Only about a 2 or 3 on the pain scale. Just discomfort. More afterwards than during. Hot bath again now. I'll be in touch.

Thanks again for your support.
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