Hello, Y'all!
I am a 26 years old gay man living in Toronto.
I feel relieved to see there is a forum like this, with people willing to help each other! thanks for that you guys! I really appreciate it!
My story
The first anal fissure I got was back in January 2014, I went to my GP in Venezuela and with the help of a softener, it healed after a few weeks. This was also a time where I started to have anal intercourse but never thought that could be a reason for the fissure to appear.
Two years passed and I moved to Canada. Everything was fine until a year ago that the fissure came back. I first noticed blood on the stool but did not think it could be the same after almost 3 years. I was first diagnosed with hemorrhoids in a walk-in clinic and then referred to Rudd Clinic in Toronto in January 2017.
First appointment at Rudd Clinic:
When the Dr Rudd himself checked me, he said it was a chronic fissure with a sentinel tag and prescribed Diltiazem 2%, which I only saw improvement the first two weeks. I did not notice that much of improvement though, what I did notice was the skin tag had grown bigger.
I went back for my follow up on February 15th and the skin tag got removed that day. The recovery was fine, I only felt pain the first day and did not have to take painkillers.
I found out later, as strange as it sounds, that they did tests on my skin tag and found syphilis in it, which, accordingly to the results, it had been in my body for almost 2 months. This got me thinking about how this could have affected the overall development of the fissure since I read sometimes these diseases can affect the development of anal fissures.
“Healed for now”
It was not until July that I noticed for the first time that the fissure was fully closed. I would only feel a small line where the figure was, I guess it is just a scar with no pain. Also, I would fee light pain in a small area where the root of the skin tag used to live. It was more like a small dot that was very hard to close or heal. My stool had been alright all those months, not soft and not too hard.
However, after 8 months of surgery, I finally decided to use one of my dildo to inspect the area and see how my muscles were going to react and to prove everything was just fine. I thought 8 months was enough, wrong. It happened, the small dot that would always hurt more than the rest of the fissure opened, or at least I believe so. Inspecting again during the shower, I felt this time it had opened a little bit more to the west of the anus, which it would mark a new injured spot. Again, this is only my assumption.
I went to my 3rd appoint because I felt defeated and worried. Dr Rudd said everything was fine, apparently, that was supposed to be part of the wound that the skin tag had left. I asked when could I resume my sexual life and never got a certain answer.
3rd appoint at Rudd Clinic - “How I feel today”
Currently, as of November 16, I have not been able to enjoy my sexual life as a regular gay man who only practices receptive anal intercourse. Its been a long road because I never thought this was going to go for so long. My quality of life has decreased and I feel dumb when telling about it because the doctor never acknowledged the sexual factor as a big part of my overall health.
Even when recording the summary of the consultation, he never mentioned I was concerned about not being able to practice anal intercourse which made me upset, because it is important from every angle you see it. Las time I visited, looking for an answer or another kind of treatment, I only got the same answer, keep it clean, dry and try to “relax”, as though my muscles spasms down there is something I'm in control of. I felt bad, lost, and concerned to the point that I feel I am alone in this. The medical system in Canada is great but sometimes you need to show you are dying so you can be taken seriously.
Currently, my eating habits are not perfect, I do eat fiber and veggies but don't eat enough as I would like. Probably two meals per day. The stool is also fine. I still have that small area open, is very tiny, not painful at all, but I can see blood from time to time. I use small gaze and baby powder so I keep it clean and dry and I can see only a small stain of blood, almost visible though.
I feel good overall, my only concerned is how to be sure this won't happen again . I was reading about treatment with Botox injections, which the doctor said they are not as good as you might think. I would like to get a second opinion though, but I do not know if I can do this since my case is already Dr Rudd’s
My only concern now is that my butt is not bad enough to show up at Rudd clinic again and definitely not good enough to come back and have a normal sexual life (also under my own risks I imagine), so I feel nobody can help . I don't know what else to do or read. But I am happy I found this forum, at least somebody can read my story. If you have any comments or recommendations please I will be very much appreciated!
Thanks a bundle guys,
[email protected]