Hope for self healing Chronic AF

Anyone self healed with a chronic AF?

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Hope for self healing Chronic AF

Postby ChronicFrustration » 15 Sep 2016, 21:58

The last month of my pregnancy I suffered with major constipation. My child is now 3 months and I'm only feeling about half normal. I first noticed the fissure about 2 days after giving birth. Since then I've only had 1 pain free week in which I thought I was practically healed. Then I got constipated again and it re opened it's been terrible since then. Im going about 6 weeks since then so I'm sure it's classified as chronic. Has anyone had thier chronic AF heal without surgery or prescribed ointment ?
To be honest I'm just looking for a little more hope here.
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Re: Hope for self healing Chronic AF

Postby Mypoorbutt » 16 Sep 2016, 10:35

Hi CF,
Congrats on your baby and sorry to hear about your fissure. I'm sure lots of people heal naturally with the help of sitz baths coconut oil and many other things. But maybe you could try the cream as the sooner you start it the better it works according to my CRS...plus it really does stop the spasms even if it doesn't bring total healing you will get some relief from the pain. There have been quite a few posts on here about healing naturally I haven't tried as my fissure comes from IBS D and I have spent years trying to fix that so I'm going for LIS although I have had Botox and had a great couple of months where I didn't need to worry about pain.
Don't despair you have caught this early and if you search on here and online I'm certain you will find loads of ideas to help especially with the constipation
Fingers crossed
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Re: Hope for self healing Chronic AF

Postby Daisy505 » 29 Oct 2016, 04:47


I also got a fissure after childbirth 7 months ago. My fissure is still there and can hurt still during bm's, but I don't have much pain if any afterwards. I'm hoping I will heal in the next few months if I keep it up. All I use is stool softeners apparently fibre supplements are good too and I use warm/hot water and cotton wool to wipe this is instead of a sitz bath as I just don't have time with two children and usually have to go to the toilet in the morning! Sometimes if I forget to take the stool softeners or during stressful times the pain is worse and I then use anusol hc I have found it works when used sporadically. I hope it improves quickly for you and it seems to be more common than people would think after childbirth
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