How long is it safe to take nitroglycerin ointment

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How long is it safe to take nitroglycerin ointment

Postby ember » 12 Jul 2018, 08:03

The tube says not to take for longer than three weeks. My doctor advised me to keep using it another few weeks after that since it helped. I now finished the tube, but still have another week and a half before my appointment with CRS. It did seem to help more than anything else, but not sure if it's safe to get another tube and keep using it. Have other people here used it long term or know why they say not to use it more than three weeks?
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Re: How long is it safe to take nitroglycerin ointment

Postby patience_and_healing » 12 Jul 2018, 17:45

The tube probably has 3 weeks on it because they don't want people to keep using it indefinitely without medical attention. If your doctor says it's safe then go ahead. Many people on here have used it for months together. You don't want to wind up with an unhealed fissure, which could be worse than using medication long term.
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Re: How long is it safe to take nitroglycerin ointment

Postby ember » 13 Jul 2018, 07:30

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