How long should you use nifedipine?

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How long should you use nifedipine?

Postby Wits End » 11 Jun 2017, 07:56

Ive been using nifedipine twice a day for 4.5 weeks and Ive seen no improvement. My stools are soft but just at the begiining they seem to really hurt and stretch, but i dont know if Im retearing...I sure hope not. My dr just said i could use the ointment indefinitely but how long before theres improvement? Im thinking of using hydrocortisone for a week or so, or even just at night while using nifedipine during the day just to calm things down. Im really lost and dont know what im doing wrong. I take 2 soaks a day..this thing requires so much effort to not see any results
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Re: How long should you use nifedipine?

Postby hurtinend » 11 Jun 2017, 20:07

I saw a crs last Thursday, he prescribed Nifedipine, told me to use it for 6 weeks, then see him. It is safe to use for longer term, but I agree, after weeks and weeks with no improvement, you wonder if you should continue, or try something else.
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Re: How long should you use nifedipine?

Postby Tbooty » 18 Jun 2017, 18:57

I've had 2 fissures, one 4 yrs ago which required a LIS, and one of which I'm currently dealing with that was brought on by a hemorrhoidectomy I had on March 17, 2017. I have an autoimmune issue which didn't allow healing, and then my stitches dissolved and I had a large open wound down there. Then, a second fissure decided to join the party, I assume due to poor blood flow to the area. I am still using Nifedipine (3 months now) and have finally begun to heal it seems. I also went to a plant based diet a few weeks ago, and that has helped immensely! My doc told me to continue using the nifedipine ointment until the jar ran out. I still have about 1/3 of it left.
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Re: How long should you use nifedipine?

Postby Tbooty » 18 Jun 2017, 22:06

Oh, and I wouldn't use hydrocortisone because it thins the tissue, which would be counter-productive to what the nifedipine is doing. My understanding is that nifedipine encourages blood flow so that your body can rebuild the tissue that will heal/close the fissure.
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Re: How long should you use nifedipine?

Postby zinnia » 18 Jun 2017, 23:43

I was told to use as long as I want- but two times a day is best.
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Re: How long should you use nifedipine?

Postby missy moo » 26 Jun 2017, 17:00

Hi how is the nifedipine made up like percentage wise? i need to switch to that the diltiazem is causing irritation an my chemist doesn't know how much percentage of nifedipine or other ingredients to make up the nifedipine?
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Re: How long should you use nifedipine?

Postby Wits End » 26 Jun 2017, 18:09

The nifedipine is 1.3% and lidocaine 1.5% in a petroleum jelly base
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Re: How long should you use nifedipine?

Postby missy moo » 26 Jun 2017, 19:24

Ok thanks
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Re: How long should you use nifedipine?

Postby missy moo » 26 Jun 2017, 19:25

Is it a white cream?
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Re: How long should you use nifedipine?

Postby Wits End » 26 Jun 2017, 19:42

No, missy.. mine is not a cream but rather a vaseline consistency. To be honest, I think I would prefer a cream to the petroleum jelly
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