How many weeks after LIS surgery did you feel absolutely ok?

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How many weeks after LIS surgery did you feel absolutely ok?

Postby VictorianKnight55 » 24 May 2017, 05:12

Just wondering.

I am 10 days post-op now and while the pain post surgery is nothing like the pain pre surgery, it is a bruising type pain and it is mainly from the incision site.

For some reason the incision site swells up after a bowel movement and that is when the pain peaks. It is mainly felt when the site is pressed on, like when sitting.

Is 10 days post op too early for me to feel 100% normal? When can I expect to feel no pain?
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Re: How many weeks after LIS surgery did you feel absolutely

Postby Asspainsorebutt » 14 Jun 2017, 23:51

I am having the same exoerience. Take Motrin/ Ibuprofen. Also, baths help me a ton. Also, as long as your incision has healed enough, i have found that massaging the perineum area arounf your anus helps to reduce swelling and spasms. I can feel the tension release when i do the massage. Also, drinking the Magnesium based CALM drink helps a ton too. Think of ways to relax.
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