by Hopefull123 » 16 Feb 2018, 21:27
Believe it or not the most important aspect of healing a fissure is your diet. I suggest to rest gluten and dairy free, no rice, sugar, chocolate and other hardening foods. For 30 days all I ate was veggies, yams and meat, plus 500 mg of magnesium as a stool softener. This is essential not to stretch and keep tearing the wound everyday. Then when it heals a little, you need to address your muscle spasms. Obviously LIS did not work, but you can try pelvic floor therapy which teaches you how to relax yourself and your body muscles. Self dialation will get the muscles used to being stretched and not spasm. After your fissure heals, add psyllium husk to bulk up your stool and naturally stretch it everyday. But you need to close the wound. They should have done fissurectomy along with LIS to stitch the wound and clean up the scar tissue. Also coconut oil and castor oil suppositories help a lot as well as manuka honey inserted with a q tip. For additional info on these tips, read my previous posts because it's a lot of info.