First of all I blame myself for my predicament. I've had fissures off and on since about 8y/o...I'm 40. Generally speaking my fissures would flare and heal , repeat. But infrequently. I could deal though pooping is always a crap shoot; will it hurt, will I bleed.
Recently, about 3 months I have had daily pain and bleeding. I also had something sticking out, which I self diagnosed as an anal papilla that grew quite a bit. Lets say if I could wag it I might have thought it was a puppy tail. The last 4 days have been unbearable, I have literally been in the worst pain of my life. I had 2 c sections and one became infected with tunneling abscesses which had to be debreded and left open to heal for 3 months.....that didn't hurt as much as this.
I know I should have gone to the doctor months ago when the fissure didn't heal as usual but I was trying to avoid colonoscopy. STUPID. long story short got in to see a CRS yesterday. Confirms I have a Huge , long standing, fissure at 6 oclock ( though my pain seems to be coming from the 9 oclock position) and my puppy tail is actually part of the fissure. Prescribed procto , lido, and nitro. I have been living in the bath tub, hollering at everyone (my poor kids) and generally thinking I need ONE thing to work for this pain, one. I cant have surgery till after mid may if I choose that route. To many things I need to do.
So , how long did it take any chronic fissure sufferers to heal with standard protocol or get good pain relief at least.
Any tips for a poor soul who is too stupid to see a doctor because shes afraid of a little colonoscopy. ...uuugh Iwould take 100 gallons of Golightly instead of this pain!