Ideas for chronic constipation causes recurring fissures?

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Ideas for chronic constipation causes recurring fissures?

Postby notmuchfunanymore » 20 Feb 2014, 18:55

Any insight to recurring fissures?
On the Bristol Stool Scale I can manage a 4 or 5 only if I'm taking 200mg magnesium AND 2-3 doses of Miralax per day.
Despite being on a diet of high fibre, high water, high veggie & fruit (and often times a highly restricted diet) I cannot taper Miralax without hitting a #3 on the scale & re-tearing. I'm going on 2+ years of this.
All I can think of is:
a bowel dependency on Miralax, scarring, high sphincter pressure, or chronic constipation with an unknown cause.
Anyone experience this or have thoughts?

My CRS, without doing tests, is convinced I'm simply dependent on Miralax and my (weakened) sphincter can't take anything harder than a #4. His suggestion is to try botox, or colonic transit testing to see how my colon functions (to see if he should remove it altogether :groan: ). The testing would involve not taking any medication, stool softener etc for 5 days (YIKES).

Insight welcome!
I say a Hail Mary when I poo.
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Re: Ideas for chronic constipation causes recurring fissures

Postby missy moo » 05 Jun 2019, 05:30

I'd love to know what ended up happening and how those 5 days went?
missy moo
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