Internal AF


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Internal AF

Postby familyguy » 25 Sep 2017, 02:05

I was diagnosed with internal AF 4 weeks ago. From what I can tell it's quite far inside to the back right. DR has given me rectogesic - on week 3 of using now.

Has anyone else had an internal AF quite far inside? What advice would you recommend?

I make sure I drink plenty of water. I've cut out caffeine. Don't drink much alcohol. Plenty of fibre - fruit & veg. Very little dairy. My stools are usually soft. I have 2-3 BM per day (always have like clockwork). Trying heat pads/baths - which brings temporary relief. I take magnesium, l glutamine, multivitamin & psyllium husk daily.

I'm trying not to push during BM as this causes pain. Over the past few days/weeks it did appear to be slowly getting better, with a few set set backs.

Today the 2nd BM was painful & I had a lot of pain afterwards for about 10 minutes where the fissure site is. I managed to get everything to relax, which stopped the pain. No bleeding - never have bled. (Possibly too high up & too much pressure to bleed?)

This set back followed 2 days physical training (mandatory for my job). Including a fitness test. Seemed to go okay at the time but I had some discomfort at the end of day 2. I possibly aggravated it with the exercise.

I am concerned that it is fast approaching the dreaded 6 week chronic stage. Is there anything else I could do to speed up recovery? Sorry for the long post.
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Re: Internal AF

Postby patience_and_healing » 29 Sep 2017, 08:13

Don't worry too much about the 6 weeks deadline, that's pretty arbitrary. I would stay away from heavy physical activity till you are better though. Try a non bulking fiber instead of the psyllium. I tried L glutamine too and found it constipating. I think it's just a hype honestly.
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Re: Internal AF

Postby familyguy » 29 Sep 2017, 13:32

Thanks. I'm taking it easy on the exercise for now. Thankfully the l glutamine doesn't affect me like that. I used to take it after a workout to speed up recovery. The psyllium husk seems to help keep things soft & not too bulky if I just take it once a day.
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Re: Internal AF

Postby Mypoorbutt » 29 Sep 2017, 13:56

Hi psyllium worked well for me for quite a while it seems to work for some and not for others. Do t forget to do as many sitz baths as possible.
I never really found a correlation between exercise and how bad my fissure was. Other than walking helped and stairs were a no no
Everyone is different and heals at different speeds I don't really think a fissure is chronic until the 12 week mark especially if resting tone is normal, or at least that's what my most
trusted CRS says
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Re: Internal AF

Postby familyguy » 29 Sep 2017, 15:22

Thanks for the advice. So glad I found this forum.
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