Is this a fistula?

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Is this a fistula?

Postby salamon555 » 13 Sep 2015, 14:00

10 days post-op LIS and 3 skin tag removal
Last night my wife did looked at the swollen area and she saw a small pimple 2 cm away from the anus and around it solid touch feeling she squeeze it a little and was some puss coming from it , the liquid looks like thick yellowish , and it does smell funny , today morning she did the same thing but the liquid was watery mixer with blood .so I figure it out that maybe this is the pain came from , especially after BM's , and it give me a sharp pain when I fart . Is that a sign of a fistula ? please somebody help me . today Sunday , i will call my CRS tomorrow .Thx all
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Re: Is this a fistula?

Postby Savaici » 13 Sep 2015, 20:00

Difficult to know, salamon, but I would see your CRS sooner rather than later. Sorry for your troubles.
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