It does get better?

Day 8 after FIS- stitches are making it hard

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It does get better?

Postby ChiMomma » 04 Feb 2015, 08:32

I've been reading through the site the last few days and am so thankful for the forum. I had a fissure ulcer removed 8 days ago - I had no idea the recovery would be so hard, but thankful I had the surgery. The BMs feel terrible but it seems a lot of the pain is because of the stitches? Does the pain get better after the stitches have dissolved? The diet tips are so helpful, realizing this may be the key to less pain...I'm scared to eat the wrong thing and think I'm getting weak b/c I'm not eating enough. I just can't deal with not being able to do anything- my husband and kids are doing their best, but this is so hard. Any positive words would mean so much.
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Re: It does get better?

Postby msimon » 04 Feb 2015, 15:31

Sorry to hear you are having a tough recovery ChiMomma. Did you have LIS? I can say that my stitches pained me A LOT and I could tell when they fell out as I had a lot of relief from that. I think they were actually poking into my tender swollen surrounding tissues. Felt like a pin! I also think I reacted to them which can cause more inflammation.

As for the rest of it, it must get better as I have read a lot of positive stories on here. I have had a tough time as I didn't heal properly and have had a recurring infection since the first week and now have to go back for more surgery this Friday. So just be on the look out for signs of infection and try to keep things really clean and things will get a little better each day. Actually, I should be careful in saying that as we really should measure our progress in weeks, not days, as things can be very up and down.
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Re: It does get better?

Postby Scientist2516 » 04 Feb 2015, 15:55

Hi ChiMomma,
Well, I haven't had surgery, but I did recover from an anal fissure, so here are my positive words: YES it will get better. But it takes time. Don't get discouraged if it seems to take forever, because there is light at the end of the tunnel. Healing the anus DOES take a long time because of the daily trauma of the BM, but you are on the right track with diet and keeping your stools soft. Do you take a stool softener? It might help, because if a stool softener is keeping your stools just right, you'll be able to eat a more varied diet. And of course, keep hydrated.
Your family sounds wonderful, and I promise you that things will improve.
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
Nitroglycerine, effective.
Topical estrogen for final healing.
Gentle heat to bottom - pain relief, muscle relaxant
Kondremul mineral oil
Time - lots of time.
Status - Healed!
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Re: It does get better?

Postby Harper05 » 20 Feb 2015, 07:56

When does it get better??
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Re: It does get better?

Postby Scientist2516 » 20 Feb 2015, 11:11

Hi Harper, it can take weeks. Even months. So don't get too discouraged if it takes a long time. Read some of the diaries and success stories here. You will see that it can be quite a roller coaster ride. It's important to stay positive! Sure you can get angry, cry, come here and vent (that's what this place is for). But in the long run, believe you can get better.
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
Nitroglycerine, effective.
Topical estrogen for final healing.
Gentle heat to bottom - pain relief, muscle relaxant
Kondremul mineral oil
Time - lots of time.
Status - Healed!
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Re: It does get better?

Postby Harper05 » 09 Mar 2015, 17:56

Thank u..... I started taking miralax every night and it has gotten better, but the last few days it feel like it opened again, whenever I sweat it stings and itches... Just when I thought I was getting better! :(
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